
Oct 06, 2004 23:22

Life is a highway, I'm gonna ride it all night long, because I have my license ( Read more... )

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sic_vita_meus October 7 2004, 11:22:13 UTC

"Why do people continue to blindy accept everything the Bush camp says?"

You do realize that not everyone who disagrees with you is a blind sheep, right? Isn't that what you people are supposed to be all about? You don't think that 80% of modern liberals don't know what the hell they're talking about in the least? Think again. Ask as many people as you can why they dislike Bush. Majority will regurgitate what they hear Bruce Springsteen or Michael Moore spit at them or what they hear on the evening news as they flip through to MTV.

"Why is the center of the Bush campaign calling Kerry a flip-flop when they've created this by taking his words out of context?"

Ever hear of 'Bushisms?' Think those are all in context? Oh, and yes. He does in fact flip flop. Taken in context or not.

"WHy do people who have "No good reason for liking Bush" still feel the need to vote for him? Since when does being a nice guy mean you'll be a good President?"

Most of them have no good reason for DISliking Bush, either. Being a nice guy does not automatically equal being a good president. I agree. Thus, I think it's great to fight a gentler war on terror. lol.

"How did we go from such a surplus to such a deficit in such a short time?"

Ask Bill Clinton, who received credit for pulling us out of a recession which ended months before he even ran for office... Ask Bill Clinton who contradicted himself on tax cuts and because the Republican Congress prevented him from milking us dry, he rode the wave from the earlier tax cuts for eight years. Ask him why the year 2000 started us on a downward spiral. THEN ask him if the president is responsible for the economy.


Perhaps. :-p There is some big game out there.

"If I hear "Lay off, he's a really nice guy and he has a tough job" one more time I'm gonna puke."

How about, "Lay off, he's the best damn president since Reagan and he has the toughest job in the country?" Should I hand you a brown paper bag? :-P

"Long story short:

I agree... now if only we could have the senate and all of Washington to eject John & John.


sic_vita_meus October 7 2004, 14:23:00 UTC
There really is no point in even having a discussion about this anymore. The left and right clearly have different views and they will never listen to each other so what's the point? For every argument you made there is a counter argument and vice versa for any argument that Pat, myself, or any other Kerry supporter presents. You do with your vote what you want and I'll do with mine what I want. Arguing about it really doesn't solve a thing. But, I understand people like to hear themselves talk and pretend they know something that nobody else does, so by all means continue.



sic_vita_meus October 7 2004, 15:04:13 UTC
Well put, Jake.

I tend to hate hearing myself talk, however.

I do enjoy seeing myself type, but not hearing myself talk.

I personally find debate a useful tool of self exploration. I don't do such things to change anyone's opinions... But if there weren't any challenges, what is the use of our system. When people of my political standing are compared to... 'blind sheep being led to slaughter' was it? I feel that there is a certain entitlement to speak our peace.

There is no attack on your views or your entitlement to have them. I for one don't push hypocrisy so far.



sic_vita_meus October 7 2004, 16:33:36 UTC
I've decided I'm just gonna beat the shit out of people who disagree with me. It seems to make a lot more sense. So Chris, shut the hell up or I will be forced to inflict massive amounts of pain on you.


P.S. Obviously I'm talking out of my ass here. Thanks for the attention.


lizle_fo_shizle October 8 2004, 12:15:26 UTC
it has just been brought to my attention that i miss jake.


sic_vita_meus October 8 2004, 12:30:46 UTC
Well of course you do, I'm very easy to miss. Someone just told me that I miss Liz :) lol



onetotheworld October 7 2004, 18:57:27 UTC
"When people of my political standing are compared to... 'blind sheep being led to slaughter' was it?"

-for the record, that wasnt a blanket republican statement, just every single one of them I've met recently, mostly on campus. I respect that your opinions are based on more than a candidate's looks or compassion. sorry if i insulted you, 'twas not my intention.

Jake- as always, an excellent Switzerland.


lizle_fo_shizle October 8 2004, 12:22:23 UTC
i think these kinds of arguments are very important. of course those who have very strong opinions will not be swayed by name-calling.

however, there are those who aren't sure what they think. those people might read something like the above and go, "huh. is that true?" and then be intrigued enough to go researching such things for themselves... which is good. it prevents things like, i dunno, people becoming a herd of mindless sheep.


__splitscreen October 7 2004, 16:40:06 UTC
Oh, Chris. Thank you for saying what I was feeling.


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