000 - 000: Requests 001 - 016: Eclipse 017 - 040: Twiight cast 041 - 052: Remember Me and cast 053 - 064: Banners ** Most of these are fugly. Apologies...
requests. I hated what I did on most of the requests. I even gave up at a certain point. I kind of just hit a stone wall on creativity. So here is the gallery of what I've gotten done. I apologize profusely to those that didn't get any. I just went down the list so those at the end got left out. But honestly, you're not missing out.
[001 - 004]
[005 - 008]
[009 - 012]
[013 - 016]
[017 - 020]
[021 - 024]
[028 - 032]
[033 - 036]
[037 - 040]
[041 - 044]
[045 - 048]
[049 - 052]
banners. [053 - 054]
[055 - 056]
[057 - 058]
[059 - 060]
[061 - 062]
[063 - 064]
→ Credit is a part of life. My username is not long or hard to spell. There are no excuses. → Textless are not bases. Many of my icons are textless so this is kind of a ~big deal~. → Feel free to friend the community for updates. We all like to see the numbers increase right?