Mar 17, 2004 03:40
i am so sick and tired of people asking me for a donation for some dinky, little, poverty-stricken country every time i go into my dining hall. they should take their charity and shove it up their vain "ooooh look at me i'm a do-gooder" behinds. what good are we doing if we are giving the money of our country away to other nations when we still have thousands (if not millions) of americans living in poverty in america today? HOW STUPID CAN THEY BE!!! the same kids who ignore the dirty guy sleeping with GW (well, his picture on the front page of a discarded herald anyways), who is desperate for any measure of warmth, are the ones sending thousands (again, if not millions) of our dollars away to equatorial countries with a "low standard of living," big flipping deal. how about we take care of our own citizens FIRST (and keep money in our own economy as a bonus). and only when every single american has the means to live decently, with shelter and sustenance that is respectable, will we begin to share all that we have made (or stolen or whatever) with the rest of the world. please, fight ignorance, stupidity, and hypocrisy, use your hard earned currency to support AMERICANS who need it and not everyone else while there are still americans in need.