Meme from Lorna

Jun 16, 2008 17:36

1. First Name: Henry

2. Age: 37ish.

3. Location: Los Angeles, California.

4. Occupation: I've been an actor, a substance abuse counselor, a nonprofit project coordinator, and what, I guess for lack of a better term, I'll call a motivational speaker (as you may gather, I dislike the term). Currently, I'm a superhero working under the auspices of the Fifty States Initiative. Though, well, currently, we're having some downtime. So I'm mostly planning for the Order's relaunch, and catching up some stuff I haven't been able to work on with the nonprofits I oversee.

5. Partner: Lorna Dane.

6. Kids: Lorna's daughter Katie lives with us at the team headquarters.

7. Brothers/Sisters: None.

8. Pets: Not much of a pet person.

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:

1. Helping Lorna get settled into things here in L.A.
2. Getting the Order ready for relaunch. Lots of PR to take care of, and general cat-herding. I love my team, of course, but we're talking a lot of busy, self-motivated people with strong opinions.
3. The Lakers. I haven't talked about it much (my green-haired, Celtic-rooting girlfriend might smack me) but it's damn nice to see L.A.'s team back where they belong.
*locked to Lorna, Pepper, Tony, and Kate*
4. SHIELD-mandated post-traumatic stress counseling. Which is understandable, after what happened with the team, though in my case it's probably a bit pointless. Of all the people in the world well-equipped to fake out a stress counselor, I'm pretty high on the list redundant.
5. I'm also going to a couple extra AA meetings a week. Which is funny because I'm pretty sure I don't want to drink. /*private*

10. Where and for what did you go to school?: Putnam City North High School in Oklahoma City. They had a pretty good drama department. I came to L.A. after I graduated. Took some acting classes at that point; a lot later, I picked up credits here and there for my accreditation as a counselor. It adds up to a bachelor's if you put it all together, but my formal education's all pretty functional, not so much about school ties.

11. Parents: My mother passed away fifteen years ago. My father's retired and lives in Florida. I still talk to him a couple times a year month, but he and mom split up when I was ten. We didn't have a significant relationship until I started making money and getting on TV for a while there.

12. Who are some of your closest friends? Lorna, Pepper, my teammates. People I've worked with over the years. And two of them I couldn't have survived my twenties without -- Kate Kildare and Tony Stark.


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