So hoist up the John B sail,. .. (open RP for boat trip people)

Jun 08, 2008 22:33

This is not, in fact, the worst boat trip Henry Hellrung has ever been on. It's not even the weirdest -- that honor would go to the second-season wrap party from the old Iron Man show, which had involved Aaron Spelling's yacht, Tony Stark's liquor, scheduled appearances by the West Coast Avengers, and surprise appearances by Thor and all of his family from Asgard. Which could all have been taken in stride, Hollywood being Hollywood, except that Asgardians had been pursued -- as sometimes happened -- by a squadron of Frost Giants. The Avengers (and possibly some X-men? maybe a couple of the Fantastic Four?) had fought them off. Henry had been below deck, and briefly in a parallel dimension, along with the other civilians at the party, so he was vague on the details, including the names or genders of the other guests he might have had terror-sex with. The amount of bourbon and coke (not a brand name) that he had consumed over the weekend didn't help with the retrospective clarity, either.

In comparison, the outing on Bruce Wayne's yacht wasn't turning out half bad. It was less terror-inducing, and more anthropologically interesting -- even if it wasn't doing a lot to increase his confidence about various of Lorna's friends and exes. That wasn't to say he was taking pleasure in the pain of others, and some of the behavior he saw really made him worry about what was going on with these people, personally and psychologically. But for the most part, he was glad that these really weren't his problems. He almost regretted Lorna pulling him away from Kara's little scandal scene, after dinner (he hadn't even gotten to talk to Bruce Wayne yet, and if nothing else he should meet the man so he could give a full report to Tony, whose interest in comparative lifestyles of the rich and famous was really one of his more endearing hobbies). Though when she decided to kiss him in a near-lurid way in front of the assembled crowd, before dragging him off to their shared berth. . .well, Henry wasn't any kind of an idiot.

The next morning, he wasn't above suggesting that they could maybe stay in bed all day -- just for the sake of helping her avoid all those unpleasant people -- but Lorna swatted him and said that she had already agreed to talk to 'Sally's friend Sally' (Tony's star intern, apparently) about 'nanotech, and Manhattan shopping'. So Henry got dressed himself, and went out to the deck with a book, deciding that he was on vacation and might as well act like it.

boat trip, rp

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