I've come to realize the last person who held my hand...is strong and brave and struggling with some difficult choices. I'm proud of her
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People make choices all the time. She's made choices before. Like when she to Gotham ---
Why is this a good choice? One to be proud of?
I'm saying why do you keep saying you're proud of her coz (and I'll explain why I'm asking), it's like you're saying: I'm proud of you moving away from those people.
But we did help her. All the time. Are you saying we didn't? That we weren't any good at helping her?
When I met Lorna, it was obvious she was very unhappy. It wasn't anybody's fault, but she felt overwhelmed. She's working on changing that. Any information beyond that, it's really not my place to discuss with you.
You're a very supportive boyfriend.
You're a very determined friend.
Determination is one of those words.
I might have spelled it wrong tho.
No, it describes me.
Why are you proud of Lorna?
Lorna's starting to recognizing that she needs to take control over things in her own life, and she's making choices that will help with that.
There is no tone.
Moving to be close to you is a choice that will help with that?
I have no reason to think it WILL. I'm just trying to understand.
People make choices all the time. She's made choices before. Like when she to Gotham ---
Why is this a good choice? One to be proud of?
I'm saying why do you keep saying you're proud of her coz (and I'll explain why I'm asking), it's like you're saying: I'm proud of you moving away from those people.
But we did help her. All the time. Are you saying we didn't? That we weren't any good at helping her?
What are you saying?
When I met Lorna, it was obvious she was very unhappy. It wasn't anybody's fault, but she felt overwhelmed. She's working on changing that. Any information beyond that, it's really not my place to discuss with you.
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