Day 21 & 22; Arashi's 30 day challenge meme

Oct 31, 2010 20:45


A picture of your Arashi Stuff:

Because I am a poor Arashi fangirl, I have yet to have Arashi goods.... *goes to emo corner and looks for job applications to earn money*


Favorite HnA Moment:

So leaving all the emo-ness aside ;DD
Favorite HnA moment was ep. 34 when Arashi was challenging the Guinness World Records ;DD
why? Because they showed use their member-ai and teamwork♥
&so.... Their challenge was the number of shirts one could wear at a time, the books' record had a guy who wore 224 t-shirts, so someone in Arashi must wear at least 225 ;D

such a sweet talker Aiba♥

do it!!


&so the first shirt was a girls


Arashi to the rescue with their member-ai~~~♥♥ (never change Aibaka)

Ohno... what would I do to receive that love Arashi always gives you....

Things are getting dangerous D:

Dangerous to the point of almost being killed by a t-shirt D:

but someone will encourage them... zettai

or not....

never change, Bratty!Nino

hubby Ohno is in shock

and Jun states the obvious.

roflol forever xDD

"ganbare ,ninomiya kazunari" this still shows he cares^^ since he wrote it in kana instead of kanji since he knows hubby Ohno has trouble with kanji or so I'd like to believe that was the reason for writing it in kana D:

Time for a break, and the food can't reach his mouth D:

please do~!!!

please feed me too~

Riida love♥

&More Riida love, where they fan inside all the shirts

"Kawaii Kawaii" ♥___♥ (Nino laughing in the top left corner box :)

Junba stretching the shirt, while Ohno reminds me of this:

bonds= Kizuna= Ryusei no Kizuna= pun?   ok no u.u

&for some reason it's Matsujun who feels embarrassed instead of Riida xDD


aiba, nino, arashi's 30 day challenge meme, all, ohno, arashi, spam, jun

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