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lovu_lovu_aiba March 7 2011, 02:07:54 UTC
buhahahaha~~when I read the title on arashirabu...I was like >>> "it sounds familiar..." and yay XD
i like charile and the chocolate factory... I just cant stop drooling over chocolate
and of course I`ll like masaki and the pudding factory as well XD
I hope he will marry the owner XD my bet the owner of the factory is sho? yes? no?

brilliant idea XD


oneterrorist March 7 2011, 02:21:26 UTC
YOUR ICON, MAKE IT STOP~!! (yes, i still can't get over it u.u)
well, now you won't stop drooling over them ;DD
really? do you even need to ask? I thought my 'poster' said it all xD

hahaha thank you ;DD


lovu_lovu_aiba March 7 2011, 02:37:35 UTC
hahaha~~ creepy icon is creepy right? but I like it so~~ XD

oh~~ I was so blur, sorry~~
but I saw the bigger size and yay~!! XD
tho I still want them marry...than masaki inherit the company XD <<< biased, so biased~~


oneterrorist March 7 2011, 02:54:49 UTC
I bet it's kind of fun to get those types of reactions xD

being biased is fine, we all do it ;DD
stop saying possible endings that i havent even thought off xD
(yes, i haven't thought that far ahead yet u.u)


lovu_lovu_aiba March 7 2011, 03:02:35 UTC
oh ya XD of coz...thats how evil I am XD

I believe you haven`t, it`s still prologue XD and sowwie~~ was just too excited XD


oneterrorist March 7 2011, 03:25:30 UTC
i knew it ¬¬

but there are some people who think of the ending really fast and as the story goes along they still put pieces that will all be solved by the last chapter D:


lovu_lovu_aiba March 7 2011, 04:42:14 UTC
what kind reaction is that? =______=

thats means people curious with the story right? XD
*pats* they dunno that all will things reveal in the last chap~~ or more to can`t wait that don`t know about it~~ ^.^


oneterrorist March 7 2011, 23:22:21 UTC
judging from that icon, i simply predicted you expected those kinds of reactions xD (you DoS!)


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