Save animals: eat vegetarians

Sep 26, 2003 14:43

A new study indicates that fish don't feel pain, but PETA is still a stubborn twat, insisting that their brainwash is as valid as ever.

However, plants do have basic nerve structure -- meaning that plants can feel pain. And go figure -- aspirin works for plants, too.

Of course, the term "pain" isn't quite precise. Every person has a different experience of pain, as do different species. Different phylums, kingdoms, etc, will have its own claim to pain, to which humans might not be able to relate precisely -- in other words, the very nature of pain may be questioned.

For the vegetarians that bitch that it's "unnatural" for animals to be raised on a farm, let me speak personally. It's natural for an animal to be born, find itself half-starved, and die of cold, disease, or of another animal ripping it to shreds. But that's okay? Natural and unnatural doesn't equate to good and bad. Plants like poison ivy, poison oak (as I've experienced), poison sumac, and fuckloads of others hurt and even kill people. And, as anyone knows, there are carnivorous plants like the venus flytrap.

And if those points don't help close the gap between animals and plants, remember that field animals are consistently killed during the harvest of grains and other plants. The vegetarian response is, "well, at least less are killed our way!" There is no "at least," for two reasons: 1) because a murderer is a murderer, regardless of number and 2) because a utilitarian defense for the categorical imperative is not logical. John Stuart Mills is not a defense for Immanuel Kant -- these things are diametrically opposed.

If an animal can rip another animal to shreds (ever watched a cat toy around with a mouse as it slowly tortured it to death?), why can't humans do it? The answer that vegetarians give to this, of course, is skewed, and translates to "because humans have developed efficient ways to raise animals as food so that more resources are left for helping humans, animals, and plants; for giving a chance at longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives."

And lastly, Maddox links for entertainment/reflection:
Refuting PETA email propaganda.
Guiltless grill? Is there another kind?
Whales suck.
Sponsor a vegetarian.
I love animals... With gravy!
Animals blow ass.
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