i feel so loved!

Sep 07, 2008 22:14

You guys, I've been plagiarized. I know! How awesome?

Well, not so much. Take a look:

They couldn't even come up with a different title.  Boo.

Mesteria's Always has also been plagiarized.  Behold:
http://forum.whitebrookfarm.com/viewtopic.phpRead more... )


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thepastperfect September 8 2008, 12:13:52 UTC
No, it's totally different and therefore not plagiarized, because her Samantha has blonde hair and blue eyes and Tor has blue eyes and "dark brown auburn/ brown hair," of course!


allicapri September 8 2008, 15:38:57 UTC
I think that boggles me more than the plagiarism. Plagiarism, bad as it is, I get. Changing the established hair and eye color of your main characters is just WTF.


onesyrinx September 8 2008, 15:48:18 UTC
But, tall and dark is more preferable than tall and blond! Don't you understand? What I'm trying to understand is why she likes Tor and Samantha if she's so shallow she has to change the color of their hair.


allicapri September 8 2008, 16:49:50 UTC
Of course! How could I be so stupid? I forgot it's impossible for people to look different and for other people to like lots of different looks. Thanks for setting me straight.

Because she was too dumb to Find and Replace the names with her favorite characters?


allicapri September 8 2008, 17:33:01 UTC
Because she was too dumb to Find and Replace the names with her favorite characters?

I take that back. Her other "story" is a bad F&R job where she inserts Samantha for Ashleigh (and probably Ashleigh for Samantha and Tor for Mike), making Christina Samantha's daughter and having Sam have the miscarriage.

$100 says that's another plagiarism, even though she claims the plot is her own. Idiot.


onesyrinx September 8 2008, 18:01:09 UTC
I saw that story and skimmed through it. I also have the nagging suspicion that it's also plagiarism, but I can't put my finger on it exactly.


onesyrinx September 8 2008, 18:14:38 UTC
allicapri September 8 2008, 19:21:47 UTC
Aha. It did look vaguely familiar, but I wouldn't have been able to find it.

It's really poorly done, too. Never mind that Chistina is not Samantha's daughter, but in some places she still left "Samantha" as "Ashleigh" (once she had both in the same sentence). She also tried to change the eye color to blue (guess Sammy is a blonde/blue eyes here too), but missed a couple of hazels.

What a moron. I could almost see her not being able to come up with good enough plots by herself and wanting to alter or add to other people's stuff for her own enjoyment (I've done it), but to publish it on the intertubes as her own? In a tiny fandom? Just stupid.

Ima go report both fictions now. Maybe FF.net's policy of reacting without investigation will actually come in handy for once.


onesyrinx September 8 2008, 19:41:04 UTC
I couldn't bring myself to read the whole thing, although I'm glad you're reporting it also. I did the same, but more reports will equal quicker punishment, I imagine. Fanfiction.net is a huge site, so it was easily missed for a month or so, but seriously. I can't imagine trying to lift fic in a tiny fandom. It would be like waving a red flag in front of a bull willingly. She must be pretty dense.


onesyrinx September 8 2008, 15:45:10 UTC
That part, I have to say, I loved. If hair color is that important, write about Melanie and Kevin or Brad and Lavinia.


thepastperfect September 8 2008, 18:47:07 UTC
Oh, but can't you just see Brad uttering these lines over Lavinia?

“You idiot!” Tor Brad muttered as soon as the door swung shut. “You coward! Why didn’t you tell her?!” Overwhelmed by frustration, he kicked the ground, sending flakes of hay upwards. Groaning, he sighed, rubbing his temples. His hand suddenly went towards his jeans pocket, and took out a velvet black box. Opening his blue eyes, he gazed at the object, turning it around in his hand.

“I’m going to go crazy if I don’t tell her soon…” he murmured. “Oh, what have I gotten myself into?”


onesyrinx September 8 2008, 18:55:47 UTC
Crossing out Tor's name is the absolute best part. I'm still staring at her plagiarized version of Mesteria's Always. I can't decide which story is more awful.


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