Day two of project blog and we're still going strong. I'm sure once I get into the habit of blogging everyday it will become second nature. Right now even logging onto LJ is a bit of work, LOL. I'm getting better I swear.
I spent this afternoon napping. It was needed as I'm still not feeling 100% and I need to go into work tonight. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't dragging when I'm dealing with customers so I'm glad I got in an hour or so of sleep time. I spent last night on the couch since my friend was over and slept in my bed. Let's just say the couch and I do not get along. I like to move around in my sleep and there's not a lot of room to do so on the couch. Not to mention, Oakley was snoring up a storm. I didn't know sounds like that could come out of an animal.
I spent a good portion of this morning getting down and dirty and applying for jobs. I found a few that I applied for and am hoping something comes out of it. I'm going to do an edit of my resume tomorrow as I found some good resources that will assist in that. I've also started looking at individual companies instead of just looking at a job back (e.g. Workopolis, Hire Authority) for open positions. I'm definitely itching to be start my career.
We're almost finished getting all of the hacks installed on Wonderland. I'm going to be so happy when we are done. It's been a long time coming but in the long run, it will be better that we downgraded from the version we had. Our activity is up and we're starting to plan some new events.
Check it out if you haven't already done so!