List 10 things you like that start with a letter that's assigned to you.
This is for
meeria xD
1. Libraries - since I'm little one of my fave places,
the smell, the silence, the peace...and all these adventures
awaiting me on the shelves...
2. Leander, as a name - if I ever will have kids, and one
is a boy, he will be named Leander
3. LJ - an unexpected fun - I haven't thought before I would
like it so much to talk here.
4. Lost - one of the most interesting TV Shows at this moment
5. Lavendar, the plant - reminds me on summer evenings in
Provence, ooooh romance xD...Also very curative plant.
And pretty colour.
6. Lasagna - just yummy. I'm Garfield. xD
7. Leaves, especially when they're red-golden in harvest
and start to fall down. Magic.
8.(to)lie on my bed, reading and relaxing - ahh, the best. ;)
Okay....the best besides some other things. ;)
9. Leah, Pep's baby niece - since we have changed the half
of my dog against the half of Pep's sister when we were kids
I guess I'm her quarter-auntie ;)
10. Legend and Labyrinth, some of the best movies ever made
Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list
ten things you love/like that begin with that letter. Afterward,
post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.
Comment also if you want and say I have done this meme xxx
times and you will get no letter. ;) Otherwise, we can try
to make it through the whole alphabet. xD