My Friend The Witch Doctor

Aug 17, 2010 12:31

I know nothing about the life of my Maternal Grandmother before I was born. I remember her as a cheerful, kindly woman who had great affection for me because I was her first grandchild.

Recently, my mother shared a 'family secret' about my Gran which surprised me.

According to my Mom, in the early seventies when I was caught-up in the whole sex, drugs and rock 'n roll thing, my Grandmother had consulted a Witch Doctor who had given her 'muti' which she had sprinkled in my food one night.

The potion was supposed to protect me from my friends and other 'bad' influences.

Can you imagine that? This was at the height of Apartheid South Africa, where inter-racial contact was discouraged and regulated by Law ... she was so concerned about the path I was walking that she had flouted the convention of the day and sought the assistance of a shaman.

Growing up, religion was never an issue in my family. Apart from a few half-hearted attempts by my folks to get us kids to show our faces in church occasionally, the subject was never discussed - everyone just assumed that everyone else was 'Christian' and believed in Jesus.

So where then, was my Granny at? What were her beliefs? It goes to show how little we know about what goes on in the heads of those closest to us.

This may sound strange but, even before my Mom told me the story, I've often felt as if the 'presence' of my Gran was with me, watching over me ...

Did the witch doctor's potion work? Hard to say but I don't have any contact with 'friends' from that period and have generally managed to stay out of trouble throughout my life.

I can't help wondering though, exactly WHAT was in the witch doctor's concoction?

My friend the witch doctor
He taught me what to say
My friend the witch doctor
He taught me what to do
I know that you'll be mine
When I say this to you

Ooo eee,ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla bing bang...

Image Credit: SA Tours and Travel



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