Never Again (one-shot)

Jun 29, 2011 22:16

Title: Never Again (One-Shot)
Type: Drabble
Characters: SHINee, Jessica, Taeyeon, You (Hye Su)
Pairing: Key/You; Onew/Taeyeon, Jonghyun/Jessica, 2Min
A/N: Very first one-shot, not making a summary. Read it! But it's very focused on Key's pairing! ^^

I walked into SM Entertainment, bright with anticipation. Today, I was going to sit in for SHINee’s dance practice then we would probably leave for dinner or something. Everything was good.
I pressed the elevator, smiling at the security guard. The lift came and I entered it. It stopped at the 4th floor, but I was waiting to reach the 10th. “Unnie!” I called when the doors opened and Jessica stepped in. She flashed me a smile.

“Here to see Key?” she asked and I just nodded, my cheeks flushing a little. She just smiled. “I just need to get something from Jinki.” She said, without me having to ask.

I chuckled as the door opened on the 10th floor and I heard his familiar squeal, “Suuuuuuu~” He was such a kid. I barely stepped out of the lift before I was in a hug. “Key, I can’t… breathe.” I spluttered before he let go of me.

Jessica’s laugh tinkled down the corridor and Onew stuck his head out. “Jess?” Jessica waved. “Yah, you wanted to pass it to me right?” I heard her say before Key grabbed my attention again.

“Jagiyaaaaa~” he whined and I looked at him. “Yah, Kibum, you’re the oppa. I’m the dongseng.” He just laughed. “I like it when you take care of me.” He whispered and I heard Jonghyun making disgusting sounds in the background.

“Kim Jonghyun!” I hollered and I heard him laughing. Key just grinned. “Come on, we need to get started~” He dragged me after him and we entered the dance studio. “Oh god, Minho please!” Key hollered as he stood in front of me blocking my view.

I ducked under his arm but was only quick enough to guess that Taemin had been sprawled in Minho’s lap. I chuckled. I admit I did feel a bit weird at first but hey, I loved those two guys. It seemed so natural now.

Jonghyun and Onew walked in then, smiling. “Jonghyun, I’ll be down the hall okay?” Jessica called and I shot her a glance. She just smiled and closed the door. I leaned against the back wall as the music for Replay reverberated on the walls.

Taemin was in his best form yet, as he easily pulled off the moves that had Minho squinting in concentration. Taemin’s body seemed to move of its own accord. I smiled. “Minho oppa, stop frowning!” I interrupted and he smiled.

The music stopped and suddenly the electricity shut off. Plunged into darkness, I had a flooding of bad memories and I jerked upright. “Key?” my voice must have sounded like I was on the verge of a panic attack.

I heard stumbling and someone was next to me. I smelt Key’s cologne and relaxed as he pulled me into his arms. “It’s okay. I’m here.” He didn’t let me go and I heard someone stumble to the door.

Orange light filtered through the door and we realized what was happening. “Fire…” Taemin muttered and as one, we moved toward the door, trying not to panic.

“Crap. Jess!” Jonghyun muttered as he dashed out of the room. “No, hyung!” Key hollered after him but he was out of the room without a backward glance. “Let’s get you out of here first.” Key muttered, turning his back on Jonghyun.

I gripped at his arm. “Key, we need to find him.” Key sighed. “Let me get you out of here first.” I shook my head vigorously. “If I’m out there… if I lose you, I…” I whispered and I realized my voice was shaking.

Key pressed himself against me and nodded against my shoulder. “Alright, I’ll take you with me.” He relented, threading his fingers through mine. “Stay close.” He whispered.

Onew looked up. “Come on, we have to go find Jonghyun.” He muttered, leading the way out of the room. Minho grasped Taemin’s hand tightly as he moved after Onew. We followed closely.

“Jonghyun? Jessica?” Onew ventured as he moved down the hall. “Jinki?” A familiar voice trailed down the hallway. Onew froze as he heard Taeyeon’s voice. “What are you doing here?” he asked, his voice rising. Minho placed a hand on Onew’s shoulder.

Onew took a deep breath. “Whatever, let’s get Jonghyun and get out of here before the fire spreads.” Holding Taeyeon firmly, Onew steered her in the direction of the staircase.

“Finally. I’m gonna kill Jonghyun for this.” Key muttered once we found them at the staircase. I squeezed his hand. “Yeobo, you would have done the same right?” He just squeezed my hand reassuringly.

“Key, hurry!” Minho hollered as I felt the heat behind me rise. Key picked up his pace and ran. I tripped over the uneven flooring and sprawled on the floor. Key couldn’t stop in time and the reassuring grip we had on each other was released.

Before Key could react, a banister landed right in front of me and just as quickly, the orange flames danced across it. “Hye Su!” Key hollered. I heard Minho gasp and come running.

“Ke…Kibum…” I spluttered, the smoke surrounding me. I felt my chest constrict. I heard Key curse as he tried to find a way to me. “Don’t…” I spluttered. Key froze.

“Don’t hurt yourself, on my account.” I muttered, loud enough for him to hear. “Are you crazy?!” Key hollered. “I’m not leaving this place without you.”

My chest constricted again and I fell to my knees gasping. “Ki…Kibum… can’t…” I could feel Key panicking. “Shit, her asthma. Jagiya, hold on, I’m coming.”

“Key, don’t!” Minho called as Key rolled under the banister and got to me. “I’m going to get you out of here okay? Trust me.” He whispered as he rubbed my back.

“We’ll try the other stairs. It’s our only hope. Get out of here with the rest and call for help!” Key hollered. Minho hesitated. “Go!” Key shouted and I heard Minho hurry the rest.

“Come on.” Key muttered, heaving me up and holding me tightly against him. My vision was going blurry but I couldn’t even tell him that. I think he could feel my weight getting heavier.

“Jagiya, please hang in there.” He muttered. I felt the flames try to reach out to us and recoiled into Key’s embrace. “Alright, down the stairs now.” He muttered, more to himself than to me.

“Jagiya, get on my back.” He whispered. I hesitated but he pulled me onto his back and I felt him run as fast as he could without causing both of us to fall. My breathing was heavy and I could feel his pace quicken.

My arms tightened around him and I knew he was trying to get us to safety as fast as possible. I felt the heat try to catch up to us. “Yeobo, the fire….” I mumbled. He just picked up his pace.

At that instant, all I knew was that Key was my oppa. No matter how much he behaved like a kid at any other time. We reached a door and Key rattled the doorknob. “Shit, this door is stuck.” He muttered.

“Jagiya, hang tight.” He whispered as he lunged the both of us at the door. We tumbled through. “Hye Su.” His anxious voice was at my side in an instant.

The cool air was good for my lungs and I kept silent, just taking huge breaths. “Hye Su?” he called again and I gripped his hand to tell him I was alright. He let out a huge sigh of relief and cradled me in his arms. “I’m sorry I let you go.” He whispered.

I caressed his face and shook my head. “That wasn’t your fault.” I rasped. The smoke had gotten to me. “Can you stand?” he asked and he heaved me up.

“Yah, Hye Su!” I felt Jessica before I saw her as she ran and enveloped me into her arms. “I’m fine.” I muttered.

“Kibum!” I heard Jonghyun’s relieved voice as he lunged himself at Key. Key chuckled but didn’t protest at Jonghyun’s hug. “You scared me shitless in there!” Jonghyun chided. “Hyung, speak for yourself!” Key retorted.

“Have you called someone?” Key asked and Onew pointed. “They’re taking care of it, right now.” Key spun around and looked at me. “We better go for a checkup, just in case.” Onew was about to object but Key threw him a withering glare.

“Yes Mom.” Taemin jumped in. Key rolled his eyes as their manager came rushing forward. Onew recounted what had happened and we all got into their van.

I leaned into Key and let my eyes slowly close. I felt Key shift to make me more comfortable and I drifted off into a comfortable sleep, the last thing I heard was Key whispering, "I'll never put you into that kind of danger again. Never." I was glad we had all walked out of there. What was important was that we were alive, and together. That was all that mattered.

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