The Hobbit and Les Mis at this moment because I haven't really been able to think of any other movies since I saw them. But I'm sure in a month or so I might have a more objective thought process on the question.
And from Yukwon...
● Leave a comment here, saying "interview me" if you want to!
● Then I respond, asking five questions~
● Then you update your LJ with the answers to the questions!
#1. what's your ideal way to spend a day off? describe it in detail!
I think it'd depend on my mood what would be my ideal way to spend a day off. In the most general sense, I'd really like to sleep in and then eat breakfast in bed. Then I'd probably spend extra time in the shower until all the hot water ran out. ㅎㅎ Movies, lots of good food and chocolate and drinks... and of course cuddles. But I guess there are some days that my ideal day off would be a day spent alone reading or whatever I felt like doing that day. There's too many ideal days off. You should have been more specific!
#2. number one favorite food in this or any other country?
CHOCOLATE. Didn't you know this? ㅎㅎ
#3. do you think it's better to be honest even about small things, or are white lies okay sometimes?
I think sometimes honesty is relative. I think an omission or putting a truth off is sometimes fine. Like if someone's having a bad day I don't think that's the time to be honest about a personality flaw they might have. Or if a girl asks if something makes her ass look big it's okay to say no even if it does because she probably doesn't get that the yes isn't necessarily a bad thing. But I think honesty's important but sometimes it's important to know when an expression of it isn't wise. I think people are annoying sometimes but to say "You're being really annoying right now" would do more damage than keeping my mouth shut.
#4. can you describe the plot of your favorite movie in ten words or less (without saying the title)?
It's like you knew what prompt this would be for... I'll answer this question when I'm more objective about my favorite movie. ㅎㅎㅎ
#5. what's your favorite book and why?
The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky... Simply, I think there's so much that can be gained from it? When I first read it I remember that it made me think so much and gave me some fresh perspectives.
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