Summary: Dean Winchester is a Nineteen year old who finds himself spending the summer with his arch nemesis, Castiel Smith, a seventeen year old boy who hates Dean for all he's worth. Soon they find themselves questioning their own emotions and realizing they might not exactly hate each other. They might not even get to discover themselves and admit their feelings because Castiel's past is catching up to him and it might just take him away.
Rating: R
Word Count: 24,000
Warnings: Homophobia, excessive amounts of both angst and fluff, sexual content,semi-graphic depictions of violence, abusive family members (on Castiel's side) and swearing if that should be a warning and underage.
Spoilers: None, completely AU- Vague mentions of 4x17
Disclaimer: I solemnly swear that the boys that are up to no good are not my own.
Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who read this. It was a fun journey and quite an experience. If you have any questions, comments, corrections, feel free to comment below. I may do timestamps as well but I will only do three or four.
Chapter 1~~~
Chapter 2~~~
Chapter 3~~~
Chapter 4~~~
Chapter 5~~~
Chapter 6~~~
Chapter 7~~~
Chapter 8~~~
Chapter 9~~~
Chapter 10~~~
Chapter 11~~~
Chapter 12~~~
Chapter 13~~~
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