Long time no update, right?
FYI I stole all these pictures from Scott. K cool.
Oh plus they're gonna be in the most random order ever. Sorry.
OK BEST PICTURE EVER CONTAINING EMILY AND I GRINDING IT UP WITH SOME GUY WE DON'T KNOW. We proceeded to do this to several hundred people: guys, girls, couples, entire groups, the homecoming king (oh yeah, you betcha.)
I know you're jealous of this. "Lady Marmalade"--I was Lil' Kim. Cuz I'm a rappin fool.
We are too ghetto for our own good.
Dara and I were in the newspaper. I was rapping and Dara was handing me a gas mask...yup...
PIRATE DAY!!!!!!!!! Hahahaha. I told you these were random and out of order. Once upon a time we wore pirate hats and eye patches to school...
Awww. I love this picture.
Back to homecoming!
Hannie and Em's partizzle.
Night after Homecoming.
Breakfast for dinner....hoooo yeah.
Marissa is hot.
My girlfriend.
Haha. Human McPanda. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I've posted these before but I could care less. Get over it.
i love us.
the end.