Dec 06, 2007 23:42
Everyone should youtube Flight of the Concords...they are amazing. "Business Time", "Jenny", and "Hiphopopotomus vs. Rhymenocerus" are the best.
Sigh. There is something so wrong in my life. Something is so very, very wrong. I know what the general problem is, but I have no idea what the specifics are. I am ignoring God in a big way. I am not spending time with Him, not spending time in real prayer, not seeking Him and glorifying Him with my actions. When I have to pray to Him to bail me out of a situation, that is not glorifying to Him. He must be super tired of bailing me out.
All it takes is spending ten minutes just reading my Bible. Five minutes of actually praying. Praise. Thanksgiving. Supplication. CONFESSION. Naming three things I've done that did not glorify Him. Naming three things I did that DID glorify Him. It's not that hard.
Yet I can never do it. I get distracted, make excuses, or just choose not to.
I AM NOT WEAK!!!! Not in Christ, not with His strength that He graciously gives.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst.
I can't wait for the day when I will truly know God. When I will see Him face to face. When there will be nothing to hide. Nothing to do but praise Him day and night, nothing to do but live in perfect fellowship with Him and the ones who love Him. No sin, no pain, no tears, no hurt, no trace of evil left.
But until then, I have to do the best I can with what He's given me. And He has given me immeasurably more than I can ever know. Why then can I not give some of it back to Him?
I want to look to Him and truly live. Fill me with your Spirit, Lord Jesus.