I am the greatest Thundercat of them alllllllllllllllllll......

Mar 30, 2005 12:23

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SUCH the amazing and wonderful and happy and glorious and awesome and most supremely JOYOUS thought has just occurred to me...WE ONLY HAVE SIX MORE THURSDAYS OF CO-OP TO GET THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's tomorrow, then four weeks, then a week off for SIX FLAGS!!!!! And then one more week after that. ONLY SIX MORE THURSDAYS!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe this, it is so amazing. Such a blessedly restful and amazing thought.

The thought that is NOT supremely blessedly restful and amazing is that I have an in-class chemistry test to take tomorrow, a large essay to write, and a research paper/debate speech to work on. Plus two books to read. All today. And I hafta be at church at 5:30, and I would like to stay for Bible Study. Which isn't looking good, so wow I don't feel so awesome just now.

Although the above thought of so little co-op left really makes me feel good.

I had a doctor's appt. yesterday and they drew blood. It did not feel good. First they tied this really tight thing around my arm, then inserted a needle into my flesh and proceeded to pump out the goods. It was not happy and I didn't like it. Then they proceeded to hit me with little hammers and poke and prod me and squeeze my arms to get blood pressure and then they put this round thing on my chest and told me to breathe deeply. And after all that nonsense, they announced that I had to get a tetanus shot. So ANOTHER needle was brought and inserted into my flesh. And it was not a joyous occasion.

Then after that I went to the gym and did the ellyptical trainer and lifted some weights. Then after a very quick shower, Mom and I stopped by David's Chick-Fil-A long enough to get some sandwiches and then she took me to my new JOB!!!!!! That is right, ladies and jellyspoons...Katherine Lynn has a job. I now take care of a 7-month-old boy on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1-5. WORD UP, God is so awesome. This is sooooooooo an answer to prayer. I prayed so hard for a babysitting job, and now look what God gave me...a regular job. Wow. He really does fill your cup to overflowing. I got paid forty smacks today, and while the number of dollars per hour may change, it is still a regular income and I love it.

So I could use some prayer because I am TOTALLY not doing good on this chemistry module because there is SOOOOOOOOO much stuff to memorize. Prayer would be very good.

So I am now off to work my bunz off in preparation for tomorrow. And there are only five more times after tomorrow....such the joyousness is in my heart because of that!!!!!!!!

Oh, I love it. I love it....such amazing memories!!!!!!
DR Log:
Day 1: The natives are suspicious. We learn to live off the land: coconuts and bananas. All hope is lost.
Day 4: The natives grow restless. They pick out the weak ones . . . soon, they will eat them. All hope is lost.
Day 6: The waves pummell our souls at the beach. All hope is lost.
Day 7: The food spoils. All hope is lost. Someone finds hope, he then is eaten. All hope is lost again.
Day 9: Don't pet the jellyfish. All hope is lost.
Day 10: "You put your rum in the coconut and drink it all up." All hope is lost.

Robbie rocks my sox off.
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