Oct 30, 2008 06:52
Yesterday I went to a factory that no busload of children will ever go to for a fieldtrip: the Philip Morris Manufacturing plant in Batangas.
It was so high-tech and first-world. Cigarette CEOs for President!
And and, they had the local government officials there, including one Mark Leviste who shamelessly promoted himself by saying in his speech "When I think of Marlboro, I think of the cowboy (pronounced: co-boy). But there is only one true co-boy here in Batangas. Ang inyong lingkod po, Mark Co-boy Leviste".
When they fed us lunch, I could't help but think that the food in front of me was paid for by addicted lung cancer-prone consumers. Yum.
And the day wasn't complete until they gave us their parting gifts. One ream (is that the word?) of Marlboros and Philip Morris Menthols, which I brought home as pasalubong for my dad. Very weird day.