OOC!! Chara List: Cause I'm a Total Dork IRL

Mar 01, 2010 02:49

All information shamelessly heisted from the incredibly complete Bioshock Wiki, which is ridiculously useful, especially if you don't remember a particular character.

To give a sense of both what is playable and how serious this RP is: We have a CREAM CAKE and a  HALLUCINATION so far, so chances are,  if it shows up on the wiki, you can play it.  However, we are no longer accepting non-Bioshock characters, so don't bother asking. If any OC or non-Bioshock character joins,  they will be immediately and permanently fed to the Ban-Sharks that Gil has not eaten.

Currently sorted by Game, Importance, Alphabetically by First Name May be re-organized at some point. Does not FULLY contain all the splicers. If something is missing from the other categories (Multiplayer, Bioshock 1, Bioshock2, Something in the Sea) or is incorrect, please let me know.

If there's a username (ie: onesaneman ) next to a character, someone is RPing that character somehow, somewhere in the Pit of Perverts { CircusofWhores, AnonMeme or KinkMeme}
NameinDarkGreenCauseRedWasUgly- someone signed up in CircusofWhores with that character
NameItalicedorSomething- this character is a  ~Mod~ at Circus of Whores

LAST EDIT: 11:AM MST March 8,  2008. LJ-cuts are back <3  No more duplicates!

1 Week, 37 posts, 175 tags, >2,800 comments, & 41 members.......and that's not counting the still growing threads on the anon/kink memes that were our spawning grounds. oh shit damn. We're awesome and have no lives at all people.
The Character List of Epic Length

Non-BioShock Characters

* the Doctor of Dr. Who -doctorinrapture  (posted multiple times on threads, vanished into TARDIS)
* Harry Mason of Silent Hill - throughthisfog
* Ayn Rand, the spirit of Rapture, ie: herself -  fuckyougotmine

BioShock Misc.

Non-Humanoids & Non-Corporeal Humanoids
* Aphrodite- divinecounsel 
* Security Bot- whirrrbleep
* Creme (NOT CREAM)-Filled Cake -ourgoldenlord 
* ADAM Sea Slug - makinuradam 
* El Ammo Bandito-  elhomobandito * Circus of Values - circusofvalues
...ad infinitum?

Splicers &  Corporeal Humanoids
Toasty (oversexed) Splicer- throbbingeclair 
Dr. Grossman Splicer- polarsoybeans
Baby Jane Splicer - bbjane 
Lady Smith Splicer - treatalady
Big Daddy- Rosie   [[BTW: if someone plays this type, and uses a Rosie the Riveter/We Can Do It icon, I will love them forever]]
Big Daddy - Elite Rosie
Big Daddy- Bouncer
Big Daddy - Elite Bouncer
Big Daddy- Alpha Series (generic)-
Big Daddy- Rumbler-
Big Sister- (generic)
(Generic) Little Sister- iseeangels

Jacob Norris (Welder) - fearmyblowtorch 
Barbara Johnson (Housewife) -
Danny Wilkins (Athlete) -
Buck Raleigh (Businessman) -
Naledii Atkins (Pilot) -conscious_wind 
Suresh Sheti  (Mystic) -
Zigo d’Acosta (Fisherman) -
Mlle. Blanche de Glace (Actress) -
Oscar Calraca (Playboy) -
Louie McGraff (Convict) -

BioShock1 & BioShock2Major Characters
* Augustus Sinclair- esquirethatis 
* Subject Delta- whosurbigdaddy
* Andrew Ryan- objectivismlol 
* Atlas/Frank Fontaine- fontainefucksu
* Brigid Tenenbaum- urmothergoose 
* Eleanor Lamb- fightthefamily 
* Eleanor Lamb 2- happenagain
* Jack Ryan - 1st_protagonist 
* Sofia Lamb- mmhsocommongood

Main Characters
* Daniel Wales-
* J.S. Steinman 1- fuck_symmetry 
* J.S. Steinman 2 - drpicasso
* Julie Langford- savingtrees 
* Gilbert Alexander- urfuckingfired 
* Grace Holloway - raptureblues
* Sander Cohen -fuckingdoubters 
* Simon Wales- yerallsinners 
* Stanley Poole -floodingisfun

Minor Characters

* Albert Milonakis
* Angelina
* Anna Culpepper
* Anton Kinkaide
* Anya Andersdotter
* Ava Tate
* "Big Kate" O'Malley
* Bill McDonagh - onesaneman 
* Billy Parson
* Brenda
* Carlson Fiddle
* Charlie
* Cindy Meltzer
* Connor
* Devin LeMaster
* Diane McClintock - stoodupagain 
* Dieter Sonnekalb
* Dodge
* Dusky Donovan
* Edward Grimes
* Elliot Nelson
* Gideon Wyborn
* Gloria Parson
* Harold Darby
* Harold Parson
* Hector Rodriguez -hooched_up 
* James Hollcroft
* Jamie Byass
* Jasmine Jolene - evesjasmine 
* Johnny
* Kyburz
* Kyle Fitzpatrick-i_hate_dynamite 
* Leo Hartwig
* Lloyd Webster
* Marianne Dellahunt
* Mariska Lutz
* Martin Finnegan-icemanbaby 
* Masha Lutz
* Mattson
* Mike Novak
* Murphy
* Nina Carnegie
* Pablo Navarro
* Paparazzi
* Peach Wilkins - greatchainmyass 
* Pierre Gobbi
* Prentice Mill
* Rachelle Jacques
* Roland Wallace
* Rose
* Rosenberg
* Sammy Fletcher
* Sammy G.
* Samuel Lutz
* Sullivan
* Silas Bantam
* Silas Cobb - seehowyouburn 
* Steve Barker
* Tasha Denu
* Thomas - (Tommy Hanrahan?)
* Timmy H. (Tommy Hanrahan?)
* Tobias Riefers
* Winston Hoffner
* Yi Suchong-  eggsuckers 
* Warden Nigel Weir
* Wilson

* Becky Langford - Daughter of Julie Langford, mentioned in the Audio Diary "Lazarus Vector."
* Epstein - Another comrade on Atlas' raid for ADAM, he was also killed trying to get his hand's on the Little Sister.
* Faith Farthingworth - Died April 14, 1942. Daughter of Horace and Jennifer Farthingworth. Her name is found on the head stones in the Tea Garden.
* Gregory - A business owner in the Farmer's Market. The Audio Diary, "Offer a Better Product", is a message to him from Andrew Ryan.
* Horace Farthingworth - The father of Faith Farthingworth
* Jennifer Farthingworth - The mother of Faith Farthingworth.
* McGee - One of Atlas' follower's who was killed in a raid for ADAM in Apollo Square.
* S. Finneran M.D. - A doctor working out of the Medical Pavilion. His name is found on a sign, south of the Enwell Life And Health Group.
* Valette - Along with Epstein and McGee, she has also passed away in their last raid for ADAM. It is possible that before the Rosie was killed, the Big Daddy was able to take them down first. The Audio Diary, "Today's Raid" is their report from Diane McClintock on their latest scavenge.
* Amir- Eleanor Lamb's childhood crush. She met him when she got into a fight with him. She states that she thinks he's pretty, but her mother doesn't like her seeing him. She dreams of running away with him the night before she's turned into a Little Sister. His fate is unknown.
* Donny-(Misbehaving child in Third Grade)
* James- (James Millard Oakes from Something In The Sea? or maybe James Hollcroft?)
* Lizzy- (Sammy Fletcher's Love Interest, dies attempting to escape Rapture)
* Ms. Englert- (Teacher, Third Grade)
* Rupert- a Rapture citizen who frequently visited the prostitutes in Siren Alley. According to Dusky Donovan, he requested that she "splice up in the act." She refused since her boss, Daniel Wales, did not allow his women to splice.

Removed Characters (BioShock 2 Only; See Wiki for Details)

* Davis Pittman
* Jean-Paul Beauregard
* Julianne Corona
* Sgt. Earl Manley

Something In The Sea

* Jeremiah Lynch
* Mark Meltzer-  not_harry_mason
* Orrin Oscar Lutwidge

* Amanda Kay Meltzer
* Benny StangoJacob Norris
* Captain Casey Ferrence
* Carleton Rede
* Celeste Roget
* Charles Molley
* Dash H. Carmady
* Dr. Howard Lyman
* James Millard Oakes
* Lee Wilson Seward
* Lex Harlan
* Phil Isidore
* Roscoe Inman
* Ulrich Broder

* Doc Miller
* Dr. Richard Clerkwell
* Elgar Vankin
* Flann McDonagh
* May J. Carmody
* Mimi Tabor

maitenence, ooc, important data

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