we went to paris today and it was so gay! i know your thinking..."WHAT THE FUCK??" but it was really boring, well we didnt really do anyhting thats the problem so...there for it was boring. we walekd to the eifle tower which was really cool but my moms a dumbass and got lost so that took us 2 hour to walk there and for soem reaosn we had to walk all the way back to the Noder dame {i dont know hwo to spell it} you know like QuasieMoto..? and that took another 2 hours cus it was a long wal kand when i want to shop we didnt have time so i coudlnt get anything...i was kidna mad. butthen we came home and i had a HUGE blister on my foot...it hurts sooooooo mad!!! omg! i dont know what to do.it hurts! ahh any who on the brighter side of things.....
uhh...i got some ice cream it was good.
I <3 thomas
your gender-female
loved someone- yes
loved?- by some person
want to be?- i htink i am
birthday- December 5, 1989
age you act-sometimes when im serioud about things acaulyl most things
age you wish you were-17
height-5'5"color of
eyes- blue and green
happy with it?- sure
color of hair- drown
happy with it?- sure
left/right/ambidextrous- right
living arrangement- mom dad courtney
job?- photographer
piercings-only 2 on my ears
obsessions-uhh? idk
have a favorite quote?-no
do you have a webpage?- if a live journal counts
deep thoughts
do you live in the moment- what moment
do you consider yourself tolerant of others- haha i have the worse anger problems... but usually i keep them inside
do you have any secrets- no
do you hate yourself- not now
do you like your handwriting- no its like messy ugly boy handwriting
do you have any bad habits- cracking my knuckles, beign lazy
what is the compliment you get most about yourself- "your so skinny" or "you ahve very nice eyes"?? idk why..tehy are like poo
if a movie was made about your life, what would it be called- umm michelles life?
what's your biggest fear- tornados
can you sing- yes everyone casn sing but im not good at all
do you ever pretend to be someone else, just to look cool- acually no.
if you were another person, would you be friends with you?- umm yes i would be another my friend if i was an otehr person cus acording to lauren " im afun to be with and i ahve a goos sense of humor.." err something
are you a daredevil- im not a devil but i am very daring
is there anything you fear or hate about yourself- yeah
are you passive or agressive- id say both cus i let it pass then when i get annoyed im like "AHHHH F U!!"
what is your greatest strength and weakness- strength: i help epople with their problems if tehy need anything weakness: umm i can be bitchy at times and get angry at soemthing stupid
if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be- not to have a gross face like all bumpy and pimply and shit...
if there are three wells, love, beauty, and creativity, which do you choose-well i kinda have love now and i am ver creativity so i guess i choose beauty, but if i didnt have love id chose it
how do you vent-vent? liek relax...umm i dont know im never relaxed
do you think you are emotionally strong- yeah i think i am
is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life- bac kthem i regreated them but now i dont. its a way of life.
do you think life has been good so far- so far yes
what is the most important lesson you've learned from life- life is like a box of chocolates..hah ai dont know?
what do you like the most about your body- umm my skinnyness it guess
least- my face...too pimpely
do you think you're good looking- umm if i did i owuld be conseaded, but i dont think im good looking
are you confident- yeah tons
what is the fictional character you're most like- huh? i dont know?
do people know how you feel- i dont tell people how i feel.
do you
do drugs- no and never will
read the newspaper- yes once,,,but it was boring
pray- no
go to church- never in my life
talk to strangers who IM you- yeah
sleep with stuffed animals- do i look like im 5?
take walks in the rain- all the time
talk to people even if you hate them- umm..
drive- once in a while when my mom is being nice
like to drive fast- its totally rad!
have you ever
liked your voice-no its annoying
hurt yourself- umm no not on purpose
been out of the country-yes, twice
eaten something that made other people sick- uhh no?
burped- NO!!!!!! you sicko
been unfaithful- yeah for a while
been in love- yea
done drugs-no never
gone skinny dipping- umm no im not a perv
had surgery-yeah
run away from home- yes kinda, when iwas 7
played strip poker- umm kinda but no
been picked on- no im so popular??? uhh yeah?
been on stage-yes i
been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath- umm i dont drink
slept outdoors- yeah is funs
thought about suicide- not really...i think about it but never doing it.
pulled an all nighter- yeah alot
if yes, what is your record- 2 days..its ike 48 hours right?
gone one day without food- definatly.. i think it was more than a day though
talked on the phone all night- yeah
slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex-yeah, many times
slept all day-yes i almost did that today.
killed someone-i kill everony that looks at me weird
made out with a stranger- im not a whore, no
had sex with a stranger- im not a whore, no
thought you were going crazy-yes plenty of times
kissed the same sex- um im not a lez.
done anything sexual with the same sex- thats gross
been betrayed- YEAH!
had a dream that came true- couple times
broken the law- no!! ??umm
met a famous person- yeah
have you ever killed an animal on accident- umm...
stolen anything-some gum?
been on radio/tv- tv
been in a mosh pit- yeah it was fun
had a nervous breakdown-yes for sure
considered religious vocation-no?
bungee jumped-no but i want to some day
god- yes and no
satan-same as above
santa- no
ghosts- they are in my house
luck- not at all
love at first site - yea
bitches- sure
easter bunny- no
believe its possible to remain faithful forever- idk
do you wish on stars- yeah for fun
do you remember your first love- yeah thomas!
still love him/her- i love him yes
do you consider love a mistake-no way
what do you find romantic- being together at night in the rain, lying in bed wiht someone
turn on- nice teeth aawesome hair and beautfiul eyes funny as hell
turn off- no sense of humor
do you base your judgement on looks alone-no im not shallow
if someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel- idk?
do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"- huh
have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out- umm idk
have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?- yes
do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking-depends on their taste
what is best about the opposite sex- idk? if they ahve a dick...cus if they didnt i would be scred...
what is the worst thing about the opposite sex- umm idk
what's the last present someone gave you- idk n oen buys me anyhting
do you consider your significant other hot- yes i do he was sexy
What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot girl standing on the sidewalk- umm say "ohh its a girl?"
who was the last person
you wanted to kill- my sister
that you laughed at- some chick sitting next to me
that laughed at you-my mom
that turned you on- THOMAS!
you went shopping with- my mom ashly brittany and someone else??? uhh idk
that broke your heart- no one really
to disappoint you- my mom and dad
to make you cry- idk?
to brighten up your day- gus he said i was beautiful
that you thought about everyone- huh?
you saw a movie with- lauren?
you talked to on the phone- i cant remember?
you talked to through IM- chad
you saw- some chick sitting nest ot me
you lost- idk
you thought was completely insane- myself
you wanted to be- umm idk
you told off- idk
you trusted- idk?
you turned town- huh?