steinsgrrl made me aware of this great blogging project going around LJ right now, and I am so signing up for this xD (click linky for more info on what it is about).
{Take the 100 Things challenge!}
LJ has been so quiet lately, so I hope more of you guys will take part in this; and if it's only by not kicking me off your flists because my upcoming rambling x100 will annoy you ^__^
The topic I chose is 100 Pop Culture Obsessions that made an impact on my life somehow !
It will include everything from TV shows that shaped me, to my most intense celebrity crushes, all-time fav movies, books, music etc etc
I will try to go a little deeper and elaborate just why a certain media is/was so important to me; but be prepared that sometimes I might just post a gif that says it all.
Considering what day it is today; my 1st entry just has to be about TITANIC.
I was 13 years old when the J. Cameron movie came out and my obsession reached scary territory, I guess xD
My whole room back home was covered in Titanic/Leo/Kate posters. There was no space left on the walls. All the posters and pictures and articles I had no room for on my walls, I put into folders. I actually still have those and recently looked through them again. Holy shit, I was dedicated o_O lol
Leonardo DiCaprio was my first big celebrity crush, and basically the first male I ever was interested in ~that way~. We share similar names, it was obvious to me we were soulmates!
I owned several of his movies that were out back then on VHS (Romeo & Julie, Basketball Diaries, This Boy's Life,...) and I watched them so many times the tapes literally fell apart one day.
Thanks to the movie, I got obsessed with everything Titanic related. My parents thankfully got me all kinds of books on the topic. Everything from novels to pretty impressive coffee-table books. Hell, I even own a book full of blueprints of the ship, haha.
To this day, the passenger I am most fascinated by is
Madeleine Astor. I wanted to be just like her when I'd be an adult. Which basically means I wanted to get knocked up by the richest man in America before I was 20. I had good plans as a pre-teen, it seems. Didn't work out though D: LOL
So anyway, I guess Titanic was my very first fandom, before I knew what fandom even is :)