(no subject)

Jun 01, 2009 23:34

I. Am. Exhausted. Yesterday Shelby and I picked up her friend, Kate, and headed to the zoo for the day. We played in splash park, played on the playground, rode the merry-go-round twice, and the train.

Today the train derailed and flipped on it's side, injuring 18 people. We won't be riding it again.

Wednesday night my friends' band is playing at the bar/restaurant next door to me. I hardly ever get to see them play because of the time or location or no funds, etc. I decided to give myself an early birthday present and go see them Wednesday and then take the day off on Thursday and sleep in, watch movies and pretty much just recharge.

My sister, Patti, agreed to let Shelby spend the night Wednesday night. I told her to just take Shelby to the sitter's when they woke up on Thursday. She asked what I was doing Thursday and I said "taking a mental health day". I then got a lecture (if you've been following my journal for any length of time you know which control freak sister I'm talking about). Apparently moms don't get days off and I can't afford to pay for a babysitter when I'm not working, blah blah blah.

Correct me if I'm wrong . . .am I not allowed to take time for myself? True, my sisters usually take Shelby for a few hours each week, and an average of 1-2 overnights a month. The majority of the time that I am without Shelby is for a specific reason: bible studies, cleaning or decluttering, volunteering, running errands, etc. I always feel like I'm rushed to get back and pick Shelby up. I'm never able to just relax.

Now I'm considering not even taking off Thursday because Patti is going to be expecting me to come get Shelby as soon as I get up. And if I don't, then I guess I'm a bad, irresponsible mom. I know that I'm not, but I feel like that's the way she looks at me. And it pisses me off.

On an up note - I found a diabetic recipe for Sangria! No sugar spikes. Bring it on!

Sorry if you clicked on this to see pics of the animals at the zoo. Shelby and I have a zoo membership, so we go a LOT and unless it's a new animal baby or one doing some incredible trick . . we've GOT pics.
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