Random thoughts

May 25, 2009 10:34

I have never considered myself a feminist. I guess one could argue that every woman is a feminist, I've just never really identified with that label. Looking back I see that I lived a lot of my life with blinders on, not really worrying about those outside of my direct line of sight. As long as the ripple didn't reach me, I didn't put too much thought into things like women's rights and discrimination.

Over the years my views have broadened a lot, and have been strengthened by the birth of my daughter. I want the world for her. Nothing is out of reach. She can do whatever she puts her mind to. But sadly, in 2009 that is still not the case.

A woman at my work sent an office-wide email yesterday damning Obama for signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009. Because of it, a client of hers was being sued in Federal Court over a case that they had previously won at the EEOC level. I had never heard of Lilly Ledbetter, so I looked it up . . .and was appalled that this WOMAN (mother of 3 young GIRLS) could in any way construe this as a bad thing.

Forget about your client. Think about your daughters. This woman is already struggling in the male dominated industry we're in. At our office we have what I usually refer to as The Boys Club. Every meeting or event is full of their pompous speeches filled with inside jokes, every sunny afternoon is a good day for golfing, and the only people with window offices have penises.

If being upset over this makes me a feminist . . . then meet me out back in 15 minutes to burn our bras!

Has anyone seen the ads for Abilify? Its an anti-depressant with a list of horrible side effects as long as my arm. Their slogan is "When your anti-depressant just isn't enough". Basically, if you're still depressed . . .take this Death Pill. Similar to the Death Star, but smaller.
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