(no subject)

Apr 22, 2009 15:04

This is Shelby and her friend, Danny. Danny is one month older than Shelby. His dad works with my brother-in-law and him and Shelby have become fast friends since last Summer. Danny even tells people he has a girlfriend named Shelby!

Danny's parents are older (47 & 53) and Danny is their only child. Monday they took him to the doctor because of a rash and swollen glands and loss of appetite, thinking it was a virus. They did some blood work and sent them home with an antibiotic, then 2 hours later called and said for them to get to Kosair Children's hospital right away.

Danny has Leukemia.

Yesterday morning they did a bone marrow biopsy. This morning they did surgery to put a port in Danny's chest for the chemo he will start tonight. The doctors say he has a 61% chance of survival, although I don't know how they calculate those numbers.

Danny's parents are from Ohio and have no family here, so everyone in my family is getting tested to see if any of us are a match for a bone marrow transplant.

In a matter of 24 hours this poor family's life has been turned upside down and will never be the same again. I'm just sick over it. I always say that everything happens for a reason, even if we don't understand it at the time, but I don't get this.
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