(no subject)

Mar 19, 2009 08:58

I took a mental health day yesterday. I've had a bad case of Spring Fever and the weather yesterday was absolutely gorgeous. I left work at 12:30, picked up Shelby and headed to the Zoo. It did wonders for my attitude.

Work has been a disaster. My boss has lost her mind and been acting crazy and moody and weird. Got a great review, though - but only a 1 1/2% raise. I almost wanted to tell them if they needed their money that much . .just keep it.

Going back to my doctor today for 3 month follow up. Going to talk to him about a different anti-depressant or adding something or something. Haven't been feeling too great lately.

Disgusted with how I look. My skin is so pale and pasty. I've usually got a pretty good base tan by now, but alas, had to stop my Sun Tan City visits this year (no lectures on skin cancer please) due to lack of funds. I know it sounds vain, but I always feel better with a tan. I've also gained quite a bit of weight, but luckily most of my Spring/Summer stuff from last year still fits. My hair is a mess, my eyebrows need a good waxing and my feet are a rough, hideous mess.

I still haven't made a decision on Shelby's preschool yet. I can't deal with that until I get her on some kind of regular sleep schedule. She is KILLING me. I'm exhausted every day and she never seems to run out of energy.

My 20 year high school reunion is this weekend, which is one reason I'm probably feeling so down. I have two good friends coming in from out of town. I think we may skip the official festivities and just get together with "our group" from school.
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