Another Entry for the Banned Books List

Jan 12, 2009 19:37

On account of our country's ludicrously over-broad and unjust libel laws, it seems that Craig Murray (he of Murder in Samarkand fame)'s latest book has been dropped by its prospective publishers after they were threatened with thermonuclear lawyergrams by an infamous mercenary thug. (Still, in a dramatic break with current libel trends, he is (I believe) at least a British mercenary thug...)

So, in the best tradition of internet responses to censorship, copies of The Catholic Orangemen of Togo are now available from Cryptome, and probably anywhere else outside the UK that has a web server.

From what little I've read so far, it's just as enjoyable as Samarkand, and Murray's line in deadpan excoriation of the Blair government, corrupt officials the world over, and his own numerous iniquities is as entertaining as ever. (He also has amusing form in responding to death threats.) I look forward to getting hold of a dead tree copy as soon as the postal service will allow.


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