Time To Invest In Bulletproof?

Apr 24, 2007 22:08

This afternoon I've managed to gain a rather large degree of gratitude towards the inventor of laminated windscreen glass.

Whilst driving home from work down the A34, I spotted what looked like a few bits of litter lying across the road. Figuring it to be the remains of somebody's Happy Meal, I was cheerfully avoiding it when I caught a flicker of motion out of the corner of my eye, shortly followed by a very loud thud as what seemed like a rather large piece of building rubble flew into my windscreen at about 70 miles per hour of speed differential. Next thing I know, I'm covered in shards of pulverised glass and a very large chunk of glass right in front of my face is looking decidedly opaque.

Fortunately, it wasn't too far to the next layby and I could see enough out of the rest of the screen to make it there. Upon inspection it turns out that about a 6x2-inch area directly in front of where my head would have been was entirely pulverised and dented a centimetre or so inwards. Needless to say, having seen what tended to happen with older toughened-glass screens even at much lower speeds, I'm rather impressed that I came away without being injured. (I'm also very glad that the projectile somehow managed not to bounce off my bodywork anywhere. That would have gotten rather expensive.)

I guess I'll be working from home tomorrow, then... Hopefully the insurance company's glaziers will get themselves into gear tomorrow morning.

Anyway, to summarise: I heartily endorse this product and/or service.
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