Title: To be in Your Arms...
Pairing: NaVi
Rating: G
Theme: Pain
Word count: 259
Notes: This drabble should be 'Angst' not 'Pain'... ;;;
"Why won't you love me anymore?"
Nami sat in silence, feeling the gentle breeze against her face and blowing her hair back. She watched the other pace to-and-fro in front of her, fiddling with her hair in nervous habit. Nami gathered her hands before her and sat up, her eyes wide and bright in the moon's silver glow, "Because I can't," her voice was stern... unwavering.
Vivi smiled, her eyebrows furrowed and eyes narrowed slightly, "I see..."
Nami continued to sit without words, staring at the girl. She was beautiful... she was always so beautiful. Even now as tears gathered in her pained gray orbs, the desert wind blowing through her hair, and the moon in the background that illuminated her pale skin... Nami thought that she could love her...
But no... she couldn't. Nami stood without causing noise except for the small thump of the her chair and she turned her back to the other, 'Just one last time... let me see her just one last time...!' Nami grinned, "Bye Vivi." and she left... not daring to stall or say another word. Because she knew... if she was to turn back now... she would never be able to leave. And Nami closed the door behind her and paused. She hoped to feel an irritating numbness at the end... not this pain... not this horrible ache...
"What I would give... to be in your arms..." she sobbed, clasping a hand over her mouth. And she held herself, falling to her knees in defeat.
'What have I done...? What have I done...?'