Title: Entranced
Pairing: RoNa
Rating: PG-13
Theme: Addiction
Word Count: 299
Robin was the kind of girl who looked like she would pull you in and whisper things and do things to you that you'd never heard of before, captivating you slowly but unmistakably. A former member of Baroque Works had to be worldly, had to hold countless secrets, some pure and some tainted. Her Devil's Fruit power added to the mystery, carrying an unfathomable strength that could be utilized in a number of ways.
During the day, Nami focused on her fellow female crewmate's shadows, wondering at the dark hair and its striking but smooth flux into her skin, the crescent of black lashes lining her slanted eyes, the almost-visible contour of breast dipping underneath her blouse. Out on the bright ocean with clear sky and vivid sun, she was easily drawn into the inklike colors that surrounded Robin.
Perhaps more incredible was that she was even more closely enraptured by the woman at night. She moved like something that was reserved but could break free at any time it wished. Her actions were sleek, stealing away into the dusk like an experienced killer or a talented lover.
Such darkness reminds her faintly of evenings spent in the murk of Arlong's mapmaking room, but only by association. That was a darkness she wanted nothing to do with, remaining inside but refusing to be taken into. The shades she coupled with Robin were alluring; tempting. They made her want to admire her hair for how it shone in the sun, see the crystalline blue behind those heavy eyelashes, and taste the skin that was shaped by abrupt curves. One day, Nami hoped to see those shadows in slight disarray before her, dampened with sweat and moving harshly but still holding the same seductive power over her that they normally did.