Real Name: Jessica
Prefered Name: Jess or Shady
Age: 22
Zodiac sign: Aquarious
Height: 5' 7" (170.18 cm)
For each of the following chose no more than 3 things.
Likes: Japanese, Coca Cola, The Rat Pack
Dislikes: Peppers, Rascism, People with no common sense
Assets: Intelligent, Funny, Honest
Weaknesses: Guilt, Extreme Soft heartedness, I don't think before I speak
Hobbies: Studying the japanese language (written and spoken), RPing, drawing
Describe your appearance with 3 adjectives: tall, italian, full figure
Describe your personality with 3 adjectives: Smart, funny, persistant
How would you rate yourself as a friend? on a scale of 1 to 10 or what? On a scale of 1 to 10 probably a 7. I can get really jealous and pouty and whiny and sometimes am bad about returning calls or whatever, but I'm really really loyal above all else and care about my friends very deeply and would do most anything for them.
You have a free afternoon with nothing in particular to do. How do you spend it? Hmm probably reading manga, bumming around on the computer, studying japanese, and watching movies
What sort of devil's fruit would you most like to aquire? the Gomu Gomu Fruit (that's like my dream super power!)
Which of the pirate crews or organisations would you belong to? The Straw Hats of course! ^_^
What do you call a fish with no eye? a blind fish, BLINDY!
How did you find this community? Interest search for 'One Piece'
Anything else?: WORD UP IT'S THE CODE WORD! ~_^--b Call me crazy...and you'd be right! I think, therefore, my brain hurts!
* * *
Moi! ^_^