
Mar 19, 2011 16:07

-You are now a passenger on the commercial airship Hilde Garde. It's pretty fancy! This is obviously how the rich travel, if the lavish decorations and mid-flight food is any indication. But don't ask how you got here. Because what's happening now is far more important.

What's important is that sky pirates are raiding you RIGHT NOW.

The leader of which is a smaller woman with bat-like wings, gesturing grandly as her pirates cover all exits, armed and ready. At her side are two much taller woman, the shorter of which being a maid armed with knives and the taller of which being a red-headed amazon of a warrior, armed only with her fists. The leader speaks.-

Ladies and gentlemen, you have all now had the honor of meeting I, Remilia, the Scarlet Devil. You would do well to part with any and all of your valuables, as well as make your peace with whichever gods you worship...

-The tallest woman makes a face.-

We're... not going to kill anyone, are we?

Just shut up and do your job, Meiling. You. -The maid points at sevencolored sitting near the front.- Open up your briefcase and surrender the contents to the Mistress.

This... isn't right...

-Fight the pirates? Cooperate? It's up to you, dreamers.-

[[ This is a double intro for both Meiling AND Alice, so expect separate threads ]]

∞ deku princess [v1], ∞ sora [v3], ∞ alice margatroid [v2], ∞ nepeta leijon [v1], ∞ hong meiling [v2]

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