[You're drowning. You must be drowning because you're surrounded by water, falling deeper into this vast sea, or are you going up? Whether you look up or down the sight is the same, darkness spreading while wrapped lovingly in the water's embrace. Is this how are you going to end? Drowning in an unknown sea, for an unknown reason? But that's
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They're different. She turns her head to see more of them, and again to see still more. She has a feeling of being surrounded that's worse than the possibility of drowning now that she's thought of them as senshi.
The man who speaks is the first person she's seen in this dream, and her head turns towards him sharply.]
What's going on here? [Her voice comes out demanding.]
He reaches for another one as he hears the voice. It makes him pause, not because of how ridiculous the question is, why would anyone who doesn't know what this place is be here? But because of the voice itself. He shifts lightly, golden eyes flashing as he looks at the woman, an arm still stretched to reach for another fragment.]
That's a good question... How did you find your way here without any help, Mercury-san?
He knows her name. That gives her pause; it's a name that's become a byword for betrayal and darkness in many worlds, but one like this?]
The borders between worlds aren't as strong as most people believe. That's all.
[He pauses, turning to face her a smile on his lips. It's a sarcastic, angry and hurt smile, all at the same time.]
But of course, I doubt you even know what I'm talking about, do you? It would be too much to ask for.
[That's not really said to her but apparently to this sea itself as he gives the crystals floating a wry look.]
So if you're here, who are you?
[Who are you? He smiles even more, but it's not a happy one, even a fool could see that. But it's okay, he knew it already.]
My name's Primo. I'm nothing but a wizard in search of something he lost before he could get it.
And it's among these?
[And all the patience and persistence for it as well. Which is easy to tell due the vast amount of fragments there are. He looks at the fragments and then at her before reaching for one and observing it for a second.]
You're older than I remember. Wiser. Stronger. There aren't many worlds with one like you on them. A pity.
First of all, let's be clear: Whoever you knew, is someone else. [So don't pretend to know me.]
[It's true, isn't it? Whatever words of respect he's mouthing, he's measuring her against someone who isn't her, taking this time for their sake and not her own, thinking of them only.]
Second of all, let's be clear: If you were the one I met you would have remembered my name. There's no way for you to have been her either, for as though she had the potential to be like you, her life turned in a different direction.
You're really a unique existence of Mercury. Even without knowing the specifics of your existence, that much is clear to see.
[He has observed through enough worlds with Ami Mizuno in them to see how many possible outcomes there are. The ones in which Mercury would have this appearance are extremely few.]
Maybe now I should be flattered. But I already know I've surpassed those alternates without you saying so.
Never hurts to state the obvious. I wasn't trying to flatter you, either.
[He lets go the crystal he was holding and reaches for another.]
I'm more interested in these.
Looking for something in particular?
I want to see... what my world looks like viewed like this. [Her eyes meet Primo's, not quite defiant, but firm.] I want to see the state of my world.
[She knows what she should find. But, somehow she can't leave it alone.]
I would ask if you're sure of that wish, but I suppose it's unneeded. If it's your world what you want to see, you should be able to find it easily, even if you're not used to the sea. Just call for it and it will call back and come to you.
[He concentrates himself, calling for his own as well. Slowly, from distant points all around, a thousand of lights shine brighter than the rest and float without hesitation towards him. When he opens his eyes he has a ring of crystals orbiting around him.]
Ah... In your case it probably will be just one.
[He grunts, looking slightly frustrated, but of course, after all, technically he belonged once to all of those worlds.]
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