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2 herlonelystar December 12 2011, 06:28:16 UTC
[ ...and wouldn't you know it, the moment the peace ends is when Usagi walks in through the front door. It's the holiday season. She should be happy that it's getting closer to the winter break.

When she locks the door behind her, she slips off her shoes and when reaching the living room -- falls flat on her face into the couch and lets out a very muffled but still frustrated scream into the cushion.

Did we mention college sucks? Why? BECAUSE THE HOMEWORK JUST GOT HARDER. ]


memorywaters December 12 2011, 08:49:32 UTC
( not too long after your entrance usa, your youngest pink-haired sister is throwing herself through the door, her hands over her eyes as she muffles the sobs that seem to be overtaking her... she flings herself down on the ground burying her face in one of the cushions also... family cushion bonding... totally... this is how we deal with things )


drinkandforget December 12 2011, 09:05:44 UTC
[They've been given a civilian life again for this dream. Masuyo walks in the door just behind Masumi, and without so much as an I'm-home, she stalks inside, heads from the entryway to the living room, marches straight to the couch, and... punches a pillow.

People picking on her sister is unacceptable. But after she quick punch, she puts a hand on Masumi's shoulder.]

I'm not letting them get away with it. I'll take care of them tomorrow.

[She glances at Usagi, who seems to be equally distraught, and actually manages to show concern.]

Did something happen to you, too, nee-chan?


waterfell December 12 2011, 09:09:24 UTC
[Ami has the decided feeling they won't be getting much studying done today, either. She gives the books a wistful glance.]

Usagi, you should be able to handle yourself better. You're a college student now. Whatever the homework is, you should be able to finish it if you apply yourself.

[For that matter, acting like the older sister instead of leaving it to her would be nice; though you are close in age. This lecture delivered and the problem (she wishes) settled, she turns to the other two.]

Masuyo, Masumi, what was it today? [Her face stays serious for them as well, but less scolding; no, the ones she's irritated at there are the ones making her siblings feel shut out and picked on.

It doesn't sit right with her.]


herlonelystar December 12 2011, 23:33:24 UTC
[ HUFF. Pulling her face from the very comfortable cushions of their couch, Usagi sends a pouting expression over to the younger in age but def. not in mentality sister. ]

Just because I can finish it doesn't mean I can't compla--

[ Wait wait, hold that thought. Usagi's just going to sit up the moment Masumi takes refuge in the couch cushion and Masuyo walks in. ... School work take a back seat! She has siblings to take care of. ]

Nothing a little snack can't fix, Suyo-chan.. But what happened? [ Tossing her duffle bag to the side, she moves so that she's sitting next to Masumi's head so she can lay a comforting hand there. ] Sumi-chan, are you okay?


memorywaters December 13 2011, 06:43:11 UTC
( through a choked sob, masumi shakes her head. as she feels the comforting touch from usagi -- she tries her best to stop the tears from coming, and hiccups a few times in the process... she brings her fists to her eyes and tries to grind the, dry... ) The -- the others at school... they... they always... !! ( here, she breaks down under another wave of sadness...

she's terrible at going over the details of her bullying... it just reminds her full force of the horrible things they say! about her and her sister... the others in their family... they seem to know that the youngest is the easiest to prey upon... )


drinkandforget December 13 2011, 06:49:07 UTC
Those girls are picking on Mi-chan again.

[And her, too, but she has to be strong to protect Masumi; she can't be affected by it. Even if she's not currently seeing anything wrong with making it very very painful for the bullies. She puts an arm around the youngest sister.]

I'll still take care of you, alright? Just ignore them. Don't worry about it.

[Let Masuyo make them regret it instead. The look she gives Usagi and Ami over Masumi's head says it all.]


waterfell December 13 2011, 06:51:40 UTC
[She knows that look, and Ami at least sees nothing wrong with it. Provoking someone stronger than them is the fault of the girls interfering with her sisters. Ami quietly closes the other books she had out, not without a small glimmer of regret, but family comes first.]

I don't want to hear about trouble at school. [She always has had a high regard for the place. But then her lips move in that tiny, sly smirk.]

However, outside of school... do as you wish.


herlonelystar December 13 2011, 07:34:13 UTC

[ Usagi takes a handkerchief from her pocket, nudging Masumi's hands away so she can at least wipe those tears from her younger sisters' face. She hates that the youngest is being picked on -- not that she wasn't used to her share of bullying but, the hidden intentions of getting back at the bullies is picked up immediately. ]

Getting into trouble outside of school isn't any better than at school!


memorywaters December 13 2011, 07:52:08 UTC
( of course... she knew masuyo would have such a suggestion... but for some reason hearing it from ami always makes it sound... a little colder. her twin had always taken to the role of protectorate... why couldn't she feel even just a fraction of the same need to stand up for herself...? the bullying wouldn't bother her so much... if it was just about her... and nothing said about her sisters...

as usagi swoops in taking care of the waterworks scene on her face... she looks up at the blonde with both adoration... and appreciation -- then her gaze falls over towards ami and her twin... ) But... Yo-chan... I don't want -- I don't want you to get into trouble either... and Ami-neesan is right, if it happens in school things might... just be worse for us all...

( she looks back to usagi again for guidance... you're her kindred spirit in this family, afterall!! ) But I don't like... when they pick on me, either... ( she admits -- then seems to retreat back into herself slightly )


drinkandforget December 13 2011, 07:56:45 UTC
[And that's why Masuyo won't let it go. It bothers Masumi, and Masumi's never been able to take care of that on her own. She keeps her hand on the younger twin's shoulder, reaches to lace their fingers together.]

They won't pick on you anymore when I've finished. [She can promise that much, at least. She'll make sure of it. She could roll her eyes at the concern for whether it's on school grounds or not; but she says nothing.]


waterfell December 13 2011, 08:00:04 UTC
[She's never been good at comfort. She doesn't know how to easily soothe someone, to touch their shoulder, to hug them so naturally. It makes her feel a little distant from them, like the family is them and she's watching from outside, or through a window maybe. Like she doesn't quite fit.

Her eyes find Usagi.]

Are you saying you'd rather have them keep bearing this? [In your own, happy, always-loved life, you may not have noticed it, but being the outsider hurts.]


herlonelystar December 13 2011, 08:16:12 UTC
[ And of course, she meets with Ami's gaze with a serious look of her own. There's no hesitation or second guessing when she answers. Because most of her life may have been happy, but she's had a taste of that outsider feeling. ]

Of course not! But there's always other ways to deal with this kind of problem!

[ Right now... she's not exactly sure what that is. All she knows is that she's got to try and avoid any kind of disaster or at least try and soften the blow as much as possible. ]

We're a family, okay? If the bullies are going to stop, we'll figure it out together, alright?


memorywaters December 13 2011, 08:25:28 UTC
( masumi gives it one last sniffle... before she finally nods slowly in agreement. the grip that her twin has on her fingers is met with a gentle squeeze, and a small, teary-eyed smile... she knows you'll always be there for her, yo-chan... )

If we work on it together... we'll be able to figure it out, right? ( and with the thought of that comes a much brighter smile from her, that she flashes at all of the siblings around her -- ) And next time... I promise not to cry... ( she timidly looks up in ami's direction... knowing of all of them, she is likely to be the one most disappointed in her lack of emotional control... )


drinkandforget December 13 2011, 08:50:26 UTC
[Masuyo still doesn't look precisely thrilled, but she backs down in the face of Usagi's reassurances and Masumi's promise.]

If it's decided, it can't be helped. [This is her, giving in begrudgingly.] What do you plan to do, then?


waterfell December 13 2011, 08:53:41 UTC
[She's still not convinced about Usagi's methods, but those simple words, that simple offer of together, is all balm to a spirit that felt alone. It feels like a family should. Ami, still somewhat put out, starts putting the papers back in their folders and cleaning up the table. Some day, their sessions won't devolve into this, or an argument, or silliness.]

That's right. The more you do, the more they'll continue. [It's so terribly ironic that her expectations come from the expectations on herself to put her feelings aside; another cycle.]

It's for your own sake that you should become stronger.


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