☇ Second

Nov 13, 2011 14:09

[ Within this dream it all starts with a corridor. While dimly lit it isn't impossible for one to make there way through it. It branches off to other hallways and paths, all in which are sporadically interrupted by openings in the wall. Each opening displayed something different: different views of a world that were just inches away from where they stood. But should anyone try to go through they would be stopped by glass. It was meant only to be seen, not ventured to.

Now, no matter which way you go, all ways eventually gather together in the same place in the end. In this place was a room with walls lined with portals. More views were seen beyond the glass but they were all of the same planet, merely different time streams. Different variations of the same world.

Standing there with her back to you, Romana was staring into one of these portals. The view would shift every few minutes to show something new. Different parts of a Gallifrey that was not her own that she had visited with faces both familiar and new flashing by beyond the glass. Her expression went unseen to the one entering this place, although she was not unaware that she was no longer alone here within the Axis her mind had recreated in this dream. The tone of her voice sounded tired but it betrayed little else of what she was thinking when she spoke up. ]

Can I help you?

[ ooc: Right off from the audio "Reborn", the Axis is a place taken out of time in her world that is a connecting point for all of the different time-streams in relation to the planet Gallifrey. ]

the doctor (eleven) [v1], romanadvoratrelundar ii [v1], charles xavier [v1], ami mizuno [v2]

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