[Who ever said a dream had to be restful? Someone boring, probably. Certainly not any self respecting doctor of archaeology. At least not one answering to the name of River Song. And for fortunately anyone entering this specific dream hoping for adventure, that's exactly what she answered to
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Though, of course, the panic was part of it. It was definitely part of the reason why he froze up for a second before swearing something under his breath, pulling out a very large sword from nowhere and slicing the boulder clean through before stomping his way through the temple.
Of course, he gets lost, and once he emerges from the maze with a limp and a scowl, he looks like he's gone through quite a lot. His clothes have patches of dirt on them. Some parts have been torn and ripped, exposing bruises and scars, some not necessarily from this dream. There are fresh new scars on his legs, he's probably strained his ankle, and his hair now has a fresh layer of dirt and mud, in addition to his skin.]
How can I be late? I don't even know you. [Why, yes, he's extra grumpy.]
[Ohoho, now there's the tsun!]
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