(no subject)

Jun 30, 2011 21:58

[ Barret looks different than usual. Might be that he's a little younger ... might be his arms mirror each other, no gun arm to speak of. Though it's not easy to see him too clearly in the dim light of the mineshaft, the swing of his arms is evident as a pickaxe rises and falls.

Work, work, work--it's the kind of repetitive work that you could fall asleep after a full day and dream you're still doing, and that's exactly what going on. But there's a little twist in this dream ... one where he strikes just the right rock and a few more crumble, revealing something unexpected but welcome. He turns around and yells, what seems far too loud in a coal shaft. ]

Ha! Git a load of this! Those Shinra bigwigs are gonna be besides themselves.

[ Because what he's found is a sign that Corel is indeed plenty abundant in potential mako ... the tranquil, lazy glow of a natural mako fountain. ]

∞ barret wallace [v1], !theme: june '11, cloud strife [v1]

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