[The Never-Ending Story] - [Act 3]

Jun 28, 2011 17:16

[ooc: Because I'm indecisive, two separate dreams to choose from! He's skipped back about ten years for both.]

Night )

∞ abel nightroad [v1], ∞ seth nightlord [v2], !theme: june '11, cloud strife [v1], ami mizuno [v2]

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Dream B: Garden! - and timeskip wayyy backward to Princess Mercury waterfell June 28 2011, 22:34:21 UTC
[It's a beautiful garden. She's drawn to like it immediately. Mercury is easily recognizable as the Ami who's met Abel before, but wearing a regal long gown (mistakable for robes at a distance) and with the sigil of her planet plain on her forehead. She lingers through the pleasant scent of the flowers and smiles softly.

She startles and almost flinches as soon as soon as she hears the shouting, but when she realizes the situation, she can't help a small, pleasant laugh.]

I'll help you find him, if you want.

[She calls out her offer loud enough to be heard.


badbulletshield June 28 2011, 23:48:34 UTC
[ He's been busy learning so many new faces, of late, that he can't fault himself for feeling her a little familiar, at that -- but it barely concerns him, with such a friendly greeting on his approach. And an offer of assistance, as well? ]

Ah, really? You will? That's awfully kind of you, Your Eminence! [ The way she looked, it was easy to mistake her for one of the higher ups; anyone else in the courtyard at this time of day should have been dressed far less regally, naturally. ]

I think he might have wandered into the hedge maze, actually, but I'm sure he hasn't gone too far. We were playing fetch by the fountain before he took off, and he still has the ball!


waterfell June 29 2011, 00:01:26 UTC
He must be worried, to be separated from his guardian.

[She's still smiling; the friendliness seems to be genuine - and at any rate, she can help him while she decides what to do to find her way back. This is a far cry from the stern girl he knew before.]

We should look for the ball, too. He might still be near it. Shall we go together? We can split up inside the maze to look, if you think it would cover more ground more quickly.


badbulletshield June 29 2011, 00:26:36 UTC
Oh, well, I don't think he likes me very much, really. He's always jumping up on my clothes-- [ As if that wasn't readily obvious. ] --and barking at me, too. And when he isn't doing that, I suppose, he's just running away...

[ His luck with animals has never been that great. His people skills are slowly becoming an asset, but he'll never be very popular with the Cardinal's pets. After an only slightly awkward laugh, Abel turns to let her lead back to the maze's entrance, for politeness' sake. ]

But it isn't him I'm worried about, anyway. Caterina is my real charge, and she'll probably be upset if I can't find him.


waterfell June 29 2011, 00:37:03 UTC
[Mercury tactfully neglects to comment on the state the dog has left Abel in as she turns towards the entrance. She gives no real impression of hurry, but she crosses the distance quickly nonetheless, hastened by the task ahead of them.]

For her sake, then. He should be close by still. If we make sure to look everywhere, he should be here.


badbulletshield June 29 2011, 01:49:22 UTC
[ He follows along at her shoulder, not too close but just behind -- he's gotten used to walking this way, attempting to look professional. ...If only when a certain young lady isn't holding his hand. He's become something of a glorified babysitter, now. (Not that he minds.)

Somewhere beyond the high walls of bright green hedge, a dog barks. ]

Oh my, it seems you're not wrong! He'd have no luck getting past the guards and off the grounds, at any rate. That's a left turn, right here, I believe.


waterfell June 29 2011, 02:11:53 UTC
[Well, she was making the guess based on assuming not too much time had elapsed, or Abel would have already been in the maze looking. Mercury nods, and rounds the turn he suggests, consciously refusing to let the sound guide her since it would only run her into the maze walls.]

He sounds close by, too. Luck must be with us right now.

Ah! What was his name again? If we call him, he might come.


badbulletshield June 29 2011, 16:37:42 UTC
Oh, well, it's-- [ Abel begins, only to be cut off by the sound of rustling brush, and a far closer bark ] ...Huh?

[ before the noisy rustle of an oncoming charge distracts him completely. A large, white shepherd comes bolting around the corner -- and heads directly for Ami, still shedding mud as he goes, with intent to jump.

Abel's girly shriek is entirely justified. ]


waterfell June 29 2011, 20:59:31 UTC
[Mercury's eyes widen, but she does not demean herself with a similar shriek, even when the dog crashes right into her. Although she doesn't mind the affectionate greeting, she can't help but be conscious of the mud.


This will be hard to wash out.

[But once it's too late, there's nothing to do but make the best of it, and she gingerly pets the animal anyway.]

There. You were only excited.


badbulletshield June 30 2011, 15:16:32 UTC
[ Belated in his shock, Abel rushes forward to take hold of the dog's collar, lest it should worsen the damage in further enthusiasm. ]

I-I'm so sorry! That will come right out, I'm sure! He's never attacked anyone else like that, before! I can't imagine what came over him.


waterfell June 30 2011, 20:39:09 UTC
No, please; you were not at fault. [She refrains from making it worse by rubbing the stain into the fabric, but she finds herself longing for soap or water, or to be home where at least she could change her clothes. It's embarrassing to be seen like this. Hardly a fitting representative of her princess.]


badbulletshield July 2 2011, 01:00:09 UTC
That's kind of you to say, Your Grace, though it must be a little bit my fault! I should have been on guard around such a dangerous animal... [ How embarrassing. He'll never hear the end of this. Unless he can convince her to swear to secrecy, of course! (Okay, that's unlikely...) ]

Eh, but I'm sure we can have that cleaned for you, right away!


waterfell July 2 2011, 01:11:42 UTC
[He only has to ask, really; she doesn't want to cause trouble for such a nice-seeming gentleman.]

Please. Do not distress yourself. However, I would like to change. [She cannot present herself in a foreign court looking like this.]

Ah... can we go inside quietly?


badbulletshield July 2 2011, 01:30:21 UTC
Of course, of course! The way in through the dorms is incredibly discreet! [ He waves her on ahead into the maze with his free hand, the other still latched on to the shepherd's bright red collar. ]

In fact, if we go through here, no one should see us at all.


waterfell July 2 2011, 01:35:52 UTC
Thank you. It would be somewhat embarrassing to be seen. [She gives a small, awkward smile at the admission.]


badbulletshield July 2 2011, 04:51:34 UTC
B-Believe me, I... Know the feeling. [ In fact, he's actually memorized the way through this particular hedge maze, for precisely that reason... Or maybe it was just out of necessity. He had gotten lost in here quite a few times, to his recollection. ]

But it won't be any trouble to find you some clean vestments to borrow. Then you'll be perfectly presentable, again.


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