[unless quicksilver's height was about four feet tall, this couldn't be him. It catches Billy's attention, and so under his breath he chants:] I wantthemtostop, Iwantthemtostop, Iwantthemtostop.
[Huh. All the sudden, Tommy can't move. How... And now he's getting scolded that's -- just great. He manages to break away from the adults, still without noticing Billy and going to sit alone by himself.]
[Billy goes through the people, trying to locate the person he put a spell on. When he sees a more pint sized versions of a speedster he knows all too well, he can't help but be puzzled. Why are things so different in this dream? It seemed all too normal, not breaking a single pattern.
He moves closer, making eye contact before speaking.]
Using powers like that isn't too polite at a party like this.
He moves closer, making eye contact before speaking.]
Using powers like that isn't too polite at a party like this.
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