
Mar 06, 2011 15:50

[New York City is all around him, a mixture of loud noise and constant movement. He's standing in the middle of the sidewalk, holding a piece of paper and scanning the crowd ( Read more... )

∞ sylar [v2], ∞ peter burke [v1], ∞ neal caffrey [v1], ∞ sin [v1], ami mizuno [v2], ∞ willow rosenberg [v1], ∞ buffy summers [v1], ∞ peter petrelli [v1]

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waterfell March 6 2011, 21:17:38 UTC
Up here!

[There is a girl sitting on top of the wall, legs dangling over the side. She is not, however, Kate. She is a Japanese girl, or young woman, perhaps in her late teens.]


smileforaliving March 6 2011, 22:07:44 UTC
[He looks around for a moment, then peers up at her, surprise evident on his face before shifting into hope.]

Did you see a girl come down here? White, long, dark brown hair?


waterfell March 6 2011, 22:11:07 UTC
Haven't seen her!

[It was true, but Ami could probably be nicer and seem more concerned. Instead, she stands up and then jumps...

Instead of hurting herself, she lands easily on the ground - a feat she could accomplish as a senshi even in waking life, but which the dream certainly makes easier.]


smileforaliving March 6 2011, 23:44:32 UTC
He watches her, eyes distrusting for a moment before he looks around again. There was nowhere she could have been, nowhere she might be hiding.

For a moment, just a moment, he wonders if he was chasing ghosts,

But then the girl is jumping down and landing with a kind of grace he had not expected in the slightest. Then again, he'd seen odder things]

Nice landing,. Do you jump off of high walls a lot?


waterfell March 6 2011, 23:48:06 UTC
"Who knows?" Again that phrase; it's deliberately provocative, attention-grabbing as the jump itself had been.

"However, there aren't many places that girl could have gone. Are you sure you've looked for her?"


smileforaliving March 7 2011, 00:05:34 UTC
He raises his eyebrows. "Well, if that was any indication, I'd say you have some practice."

He sighs as she continues talking, nodding his head. "I know that." Laughing a little,, he adds. "It's not a matter of whether I'm looking, I'm definitely looking. What matters is what I'm chasing."

Everything feels a little odd, a little off kilter and hes not sure why. This girl, the way the city moves, his own heartbeat. His legs stopped aching and his breath is caught up much too quickly, as if, after he stopped thinking about it, it stopped being a problem.

He blinks again, looking around them. "What're the chances of me getting a straight answer if I ask about who y9ou are?"


waterfell March 7 2011, 00:10:33 UTC
She likes keeping people just that tiny bit off-balance, showing that whatever they do or whatever they think of her, they can't shut her out. But she smiles and introduces herself politely enough.

"I'm Mizuno Ami. I'm pleased to meet you."


smileforaliving March 7 2011, 00:35:12 UTC
Under different circumstances, he could appreciate that line of thinking. It's not his own but it does help to keep things interesting and he always did like that.

Right now however, with nothing sitting quite right, not even the world around him, it doesn't exactly fill him with comfort.

"Neal Caffrey," he replies, holding out a hand. "Nice to meet you too." The usual charming grin slips onto his face automatically. "Were you dong anything interesting up there or just hanging out for the fun of it?"


waterfell March 7 2011, 00:38:24 UTC
Let's say just for fun." She shakes hands; her grip turns out to be firm without being too tight, professional. After all, the teasing taunting girl was largely facade.


smileforaliving March 7 2011, 01:00:10 UTC
He arches his eyebrows at her. "You've got some interesting hobbies," he reflects, leaning back against the wall, studying her.

He's tempted to ask whats going on, why the world seems to blur around the edges, why nothing feels right but he doesn't. Instead he concentrates on her, watches the way she holds herself, the way she moves, and notes how the world around her seems to bend and sway.

A dream? Maybe. It could be but he's not sure.

"So," he says with a smile. "Here's a question for you. If you were a girl on the run, what would make you run down a dead end?"


waterfell March 7 2011, 01:06:57 UTC
"If I wanted to be caught." The answer comes almost flippantly. "Or if I didn't know it was a dead end. Does she know this area?"


smileforaliving March 7 2011, 01:48:16 UTC
He laughs. "My life would be a lot easier if she were willing to be caught. Well, caught by me." He smiles, something sad and a little bitter to it.

"She should know the area though, so I don't...." he shakes his head. "I don't know whats going on." It's an admission he's not entirely sure he should be making but the more he thinks about it, the more he wonders about whether he's actually awake or not.


waterfell March 7 2011, 01:50:48 UTC
She was not the most sympathetic. Helpful, perhaps. Sympathetic was something hard for her as she was now.

"Then you need to know it better if you want to find your prey."


smileforaliving March 7 2011, 02:01:34 UTC
"She's not prey," he says automatically."She's in danger and I need to find her."

He's not looking for sympathy, he just wants answers. To Kate, to what's going on around h8im, do anything at all at this point. He wants something to make sense.


waterfell March 7 2011, 02:03:10 UTC
"You need to know it better to be the hero, too." She really kind of hated that side of this person; but of course it didn't direct affect her when it was people she knew nothing about.


smileforaliving March 7 2011, 02:26:29 UTC
He shakes his head. "I'm not trying to be a hero, I'm just trying to get her back." Neal never though of himself as a hero, a dashing thief, yes, a clever, elusive man, yes but never a hero.


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