May 19, 2011 16:23
[Jade is at his desk, which is a welcome change. He hasn't been able to sit at his desk in his office in months, or what feels like months, thanks to an extended stay in the magical musical city of Elegy. Yes, a very welcome change from dealing with irritating employees and the constant music. So welcome, in fact, that he's actually dreaming about it.]
[Looking back, it's probably one of the better dreams he's ever had.]
[He is reading through the stack of reports and memos that have accumulated since he left for Kimlasca (for the Harmony seems to have put his life on hold right as he went on a week-long vacation), alone in his office at the Malkuth Imperial Forces' headquarters in Grand Chokmah. It's a tidy place, save for the corner nearest the door that His Majesty's pet rappigs like. He really would see about getting it cleaned up, but it would be a futile effort. He seems almost oblivious to the presence of another person in the room... seems being the key word.]
[And what's this? You seem to have yet another report for him. Won't you give it to him?]
∞ jade curtiss,
∞ seth nightlord [v2],
∞ cain knightlord [v2],
ami mizuno [v2]