Well, I have submitted my first real paper for college, via e-mail. I initially sent it in the wrong file format, so hopefully I won't get dinged too much on it. It really wasn't that good of a paper. It counts for 15% of my grade, so hopefully I'll be able to recover if it doesn't go well.
I stocked up on supplies for my room (only during STP, not during regular school) in KMart. I also purchased a double DVD set American Beauty and House of Sand and Fog-- both widescreen. My laptop was ordered today also... A Dell Latitude 800, with a fair amount of upgrades. Hopefully it will arrive on post sometime early next week.
Fun game-
http://www.ebaumsworld.com/homerun.html See how far you can walk while inebriated. My personal best thus far is 60 meters.
My body still aches from PT.
Though I am still an idiot, I may learn sooner or later.