Nov 10, 2009 02:01
[A crackle of static. A red-haired man perched gingerly upon something white and crooked peers down upon the screen with a distinctly unamused expression painted across his face.
He frowns.]
Decrepit buildings strewn every which way. A stench of irksome misery hanging about the very air.
... No. It would be irrational to consider this world as the Abyss -- the very birth-womb of chains in its entirety -- when one is bereft of a chain himself.
[He pauses. Draws his fan. kashinnnk]
Neither the Abyss, nor the realm of humankind. The Way?
-- the defining features of which it lacks are all too apparent.
... What a contemptible world.
not the abyss,
damn you mad hatter,
so not amused here