May 18, 2005 22:07
onemostory (9:57:06 PM): in bio were disecting the rat right.
sHaDoWsFaLL67 (9:57:09 PM): yea
onemostory (9:57:27 PM): n my teach purposly gave me a fat rat w big nipp;es
onemostory (9:57:46 PM): n it turned out that it had 3 lil bayb rats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sHaDoWsFaLL67 (9:57:56 PM): aw dude...
sHaDoWsFaLL67 (9:57:59 PM): thats fucked up
onemostory (9:58:05 PM): awww they were sooooooo adoreble tho
onemostory (9:58:09 PM): to liek see them liek that
sHaDoWsFaLL67 (9:58:14 PM): but they were dead
onemostory (9:58:20 PM): yeah i thought it was pretty fucked up that they died liek that
onemostory (9:58:21 PM): but still
onemostory (9:58:27 PM): like how many ppl get to see that!
onemostory (9:58:41 PM): i was sooo excited they where adrobale. n no they werent alive.
onemostory (9:58:51 PM): i mean comon. lol
onemostory (9:58:59 PM): but u could tell they lil head.
onemostory (9:59:08 PM): n the lil feet n the lil tail
onemostory (9:59:13 PM): omg it was sooo adrobale!
sHaDoWsFaLL67 (9:59:30 PM): alright .. if dead baby rats r adorable to u
______________________________________________SO NUFF SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. Srry i never post anymore. its pretty borin! lol summer is almost here!! woot woot!