Feb 04, 2008 12:06
While I could have self-invited myself last minute style to a couple of different superbowl parties (that I had been non-committal to) instead I chose to stay home. But not entirely alone: through the wonder of Instant Messaging I've made a very good friend online who happens to be a big Patriots fan. And... even through the filter of a text only medium, I managed to not be a good party guest.
How could I do this? I mean, I couldn't even spill salsa on a lazyboy or drink all the beer and/or get loud and obnoxious (And even if that WERE something I was inclined to do (which I'm not),how could I? I was just typing sentences into a computer screen).
No, "all" I did was try waaayy too hard to make funny comments about the game.
Not a good idea, not when it is the last 15 minutes of the 19th game of a near perfect season and the Giant's defense has nearly shut down the (until now) unstopable Patriots. Maybe if I'd actually been in the same room as other people, I'd have realized the change in tone in the room. But then again, maybe not.