Sep 09, 2004 19:54
Today - i woke up at 6 45 - to see if scott would call me - he didnt :( - but that wasnt gonna ruin my day - and plus i figured that he was running late or something - so i went back to sleep at 9 and slept until 11 - and i got up and got ready for my appointment at the high school - and i straightened my hair - and put my make up - to look all pretty - put new clothes on - i felt good - well we left at 12 50 - and well we got there - and were trying to find a parking spot - that fuckin high school is huge!!!! i was very scared - well we got in there and they wanted to know what we need and the lady was very nice - and we filled out forms - and right then i knew that i was going to be joining high school!! i was so releaved - to see that i was going - and well i filled out the forms with my mom - and once we were done we waiting for my guidence counclar - and he came out and wanted us to go in - and well he was straight forward - he wanted to know why i was home-school for half the year - i told him that i got into some trouble - and last year was a big eye opener for me - and it was - i feel really good now - and well we filled out classes for me - and well i didnt have that big of a choice because of me starting late - which suxxed ass - and well i after he gave me a little schedule - and i took it home with me - and well after we were done with the classes he told me to get in the gudience office tomorrow so some girl named ashley can show me around to my classes and bring to me to my first one - and well - i am extremly excited - but tomorrow i am gonna go over to joeys house and ride on the bus with him - and i dont know where his bus stop is but i gotta call him in a little bit - and well after the highschool we went to the post office - omg!! that was so much fun - we went into this place where i had to go threw secreity - ahahaha!! i had to go threw the little beepie thing - it was awesome - and then we left - and then we came home and had to pick zack up - and i had to call maureen the good news - and so i talked her and then we went to sally beautys and walmart - i went to sally beauty and got hair dye for my hair - it was like pink red - it looks good - and well we went to walmart to get me supplies - and then we went out to governers to get something to eat - i got this taco salda - and it was fuckin huge i couldnt eat it all - and i was like holy shit - i never eat that much and i always end up taking it home - anyways - i dyed my hair - and i think it looks awesome - and i dont think my mom likes it - but i dont care - its like orange pinkish - easter egg colors - and and my brother dyed his hair blue - ahaha - it looks cool - then iwent to maureens house to show her - and that was basically my day - now i am sitting here - and waiting until scott calls - because he couldnt talk earlier - because he was going to band practice - and it feels good that i didnt think about him all day or worrie about him - it just felt really good - but i feel really good - and i am really tired - so once i get of the phone with the boy - i will be going to bed - ahh bed - lol - but i might call christine back- but i am gonna go now - write tomorrow
I love Scott 7.8.04