Day Eleven and Birthday Festivities : Favorite Final Fantasy Character

Apr 01, 2011 22:51


Yuffie Kisaragi.
Always been my favorite and I loved her in Kingdom Hearts.

 Anyway, I don't understand why but it seems everyone is choosing to celebrate my birthday a day early. I got all my presents (except the ones from my parents) today. My birthday is April 2nd and it's April 1st. OH WELL. My roommate cardcaptortama   got me a hamster! :D No not a real one, like a ZuZu pet.

Now all I need for this little shit is a princess dress and we're set :]

My friends Marty and Alyssa got me my favorite Pokemon. IN FIGURINE FORM!

Wooper and Bibarel have always been favorites of mine. They're so hated and underrated man! In my Platinum game I have a Wooper named Quigley and a Bibarel named Dipplefart. Best team ever man. (Dark photos since because friends playing Silent Hill in my room).

My friend Dylan drew me a comic of something funny that happened last Thursday using our pokemon personas. He's a Dunsparce and I am a Wooper. So we were eating our lunch outside and when we got up to throw out things away the trash can was full. My friends began slowly running towards the garbage can to push the garbage down with his foot so I could fit my trash in there. Well I didn't know this and thought he was trying to race me to the garbage, so I ran after him with half a chocolate cake in my hand. His hand was right over the garbage can when I plopped the cake right on top of his hand and shouted "I WIN!" 
He mad :] 
The last thing I got were some kitty cat stickers that I'm going to decorate my psp with and a giant Disney Princess pen.

I already sent both my mom and my dad what I wanted from them, so guess what everyone!?

BAH! I'm going to get one that's extremely close to the character and style it to my liking once I get it, but does anyone know where I can get a decent one? I've already found a few that I sent to them. 
Guess what else guys? James has officially agreed to be my Demyx and we already found that wig! I AM EXCITE!

I'm amazed that I'm going to be 20 and I got toys and a wig for my birthday! MATURITY WHAT :]

He's also going to dye his hair black again so he can cosplay L. He does an excellent L cosplay. I don't think I've ever shown them off here. We did this mini photo shoot.

entries with photos, fandoms, real life, kingdom hearts, challenges

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