Stolen from
pyewackettt . If you want to participate comment on this entry and I will pick 5 interests from your profile for you to make a post about explaining them in more detail. Pyewackettt chose for me Classic Disney, Interior Design, Minimalism, People watching and Rain.
Classic Disney
I actually was never one of those kids who grew up on Disney movies. The only one that was played over and over again in my house was The Little Mermaid. It wasn't until later in my life that I fell in love with Disney after I read and watched Peter Pan. This was also around the time that Kingdom Hearts came out and I realized I had never watched half the movies in the game. I went back and watched all the movies I had never seen as a child and instantly fell in love. I was going through those odd "finding myself" fazes while watching Disney princess movies for the first time. I pretty much went through my "I want to be a princess" faze way later in life than most girls. Before I watched those movies I was very much a tomboy, but all of a sudden I abandoned all of that and just wanted to be a girl and I looked up to the Disney princesses as role models. I think it was around the same time that I really gained an appreciation for animation and cartooning as a art form. I feel that the newer Disney releases just fail in comparison to the classics. I'm really hoping that Tangled renews my faith in Disney, I'm really looking foreword to it.
I mean, come on, I might have been late to the party, but watching a Disney classic on a day when you just feel like the world is crumbling around you just makes you forget about everything for just a second.
Interior Design
When I was little my mom would always order IKEA magazines and I would spend hours cutting through the magazine. I would cut out pieces of furniture and paste them onto a piece of paper for my paper dolls. I believe that was when I got into interior design. I really wanted to go to college for Interior design but opted for my first love, Illustration, instead. I still do love Interior Design as a hobby and wish I had more space or opportunity to practice it. I'm very big on vintage romantic styles mixed with minimalism, rustic natural looks (incorporating natural wood flooring into the space, live plants, tree branches, trying to bring nature indoors) and traditional styles. I've recently gotten very interested in studying feng shui and trying to incorporate it into the way I decorate. I've been told I'm pretty good with interior decorating. A friend of mine who recently got their own apartment told me they really liked my bedroom and asked me to help them decorate, they gave me the shopping money, I picked things out and arranged everything. They loved it and I really enjoyed doing it. It's a very big hobby of mine that I'm really passionate about, too bad all I have to work with is my own little space and very little funds...
Welp... I don't know the origins of this interest, but I can tell you that I am a very simple person. I try to incorporate minimalism into every aspect of my life that I can. I try to keep my art simple and uncluttered, I go through my things as often as I can to donate the things I no longer need, I like things simple and sleek. When I moved into college I only had 3 bags full of things and was set up in a matter of minutes. I just believe minimalism is a way of life as well as a design style. I don't own much, don't need much, don't want much. I love it :)
People Watching
People fascinate me. To be honest I don't really understand people and I can't relate to a majority of them. I'm a very cynical person and generally dislike most people (I just think most people are generally bad and have bad intentions), but I really feel like I can learn a lot from people watching and therefor I do it... of course there's a fine art to doing it without looking like a creeper. I really enjoy observing people when they think no one else is watching, reading journals (hello livejournal) and listening in on conversations. Most people get so wrapped up in their own lives that they forget that everyone has a story, problems, and families. Every person you pass while walking down the street is heading somewhere different. Whenever I'm a passanger in someone elses car I look into the cars around me and make up stories for the people in those cars, like where they are going, who the other people in the car are. I feel like thinking about this kind of stuff, observing people around me has really made me a better person. Stepping away from myself for a while and remembering that I'm not the only person on the planet earth really made me realize that Plato's quote is true. Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle.
Give me a warm rainy night, a nice cup of hot chocolate and a movie marathon and I'll show you one happy person. I really LOVE rain. As long as it's not too cold I really think rain is so pretty. I love walking outside in the rain (on days when I'm not overly concerned with my hair), laying in bed and listening to rain on the roof, rain running down glass windows. It's just so beautiful. I recently invested in a really nice bubble clear umbrella so I can enjoy going for walks in the rain without getting m hair wet. Just last month when it was a little warmer me and my friends went around the dorm rooms gathering as many people as possible to join us in a game of night frisbee in the rain. The rain had made a HUGE puddle in the quad and we got a solid 20 people to join us in a game. After a while it was FREEEEEEZING, but so much fun!
And of course when there's no rain outside, but I'm in an "I want the rainy mood", is my best friend :)
If anyone wants to know about any of my other interests feel free to ask. I love explaining myself.