Jun 12, 2004 04:27
all done packing for my trip. i wish that were the reason i am still awake. i was actually done packing hours ago. i've been watching t.v. (boring late night shows) with the lights off, trying to create a sleepy environment, trying to doze off, trying to fall asleep.
no such luck. this exhaustion is excruciating.
i couldn't stand to watch the t.v. any longer. for the most part,i don't even really like watching t.v.! i had to find something else to do. this seemed to be the better of my options so i hope you don't mind. i'm not aiming to write anything spectacular, just trying to pass the time...
this is what it's been like lately. up late. very late. SO late it could pretty much be considered early for the following day...
i hope my sleep will find me where i am going...
my mom will be waking up in about an hour, only to find me sitting up in my bed wide awake, watching the damn t.v. like every other day this week (or just about). in light of this, i suppose it isn't such a big deal that i have an early flight...you can't wake up early, if you never went to bed...